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Eat as "organically" as imaginable. A lot of the foods consumed these days are the precise reasons why most weight loss prayers go unrequited. Conventional foods are full of pesticides, chemicals, and hormones that go directly into our system. Think about it, if the beef you eat is cut from a cow that has been shot with hormones in order to make it grow faster and larger, it's inevitable that those hormones will have the same impact on you.
Add a fruit or veggie to each meal. Even if you're eating something truly unhealthy adding fruits and vegetables will help fill you up quicker and give you healthy nutrients that you don't commonly get. This helps your body "look great" inside and out.
Begin eating at home more. It takes at least thirty-five minutes to drive, order, pick-up and take home food from restaurants. So why not take those thirty-five minutes to fix the same meal at home? It’s healthier as you control the ingredients and portion sizes and you're less prone to germs and other disgusting things that weirdo's do to people's food in public places.
Get physical each day for at least half-hour - 2 of those days ought to be low impact. It's simple. Walk to the grocery store rather than driving. Go outside to play with your kids for half-hour or go out dancing. Look at exercise as a part of life, not chore. It's merely the art of moving your body! Make it a way of life. Find a physical exercise plan that works for you and stick to it.
Eat when you're hungry. Not doing so will only make you pig out in the long run. Just make sure that when you eat you manage your portion sizes and "treat" yourself to something tasty every once in a while so you don't feel punished or deprived.
If you're not hungry do not eat! I know that sounds like horse sense, but you won't believe how much we do it. It's simple for us to "snack" even when we're not hungry. This action is pure sabotage to your weight loss goals. Avoid it at all costs.