Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Creating Quality Content – What Exactly Does That Mean?
Everyone has advice to offer regarding your online blog. It is an advice-du-jour type of environment. Each week, you can expect something new. The advice may work in the short-term, but in many cases, it eventually goes out of favor with either the search engines or with your readers.
One piece of advice that continues to circulate is to create quality con-tent. This keeps appearing for one great reason: it works. It’s the only tried-and-true piece of advice, and it’s one that was relevant ten years ago and will be relevant ten years from now. In short, Google wants rele-vant results for its searches and providing relevant results will get you re-warded.
But, what exactly does it mean to create quality content? That advice seems to be lacking, at least until now. To create quality content, you need to focus on who you are creating it for. Even quality content will be of little use if it is not presented to the right audience. For instance, you can write a great article on the benefits of organic gardening, but it won’t resonate well with someone who is searching for how to buy the right cement for your next DIY project.
The key here is to start out with relevancy. Your readers came to your blog because they were looking for some information. Give it to them. If you read in a forum that people were having an issue with some topic and you provide an answer to the issue, they will be happy with what you publish. Some will argue that if you give them everything they need, they no longer have a use for your blog. While some readers will do this, oth-ers will recognize that you presented yourself as an authority on this topic and will be curious about what else you can help them with. This is why it’s crucial to have a call-to-action on each of your blog posts. Give them a reason to come back.
Enlist others and collaborate on content creation. This has several bene-fits. First, you will get another view on the content. Second, you will have someone willing to promote what you have created in exchange for promoting what they have created. It only takes a couple of influential bloggers to send your content and blog into the stratosphere. The web is a collaborative machine. Use this fact to your advantage.
Don’t Forget to Use Social Media
It’s amazing how many bloggers do not include social media as part of their strategy. The popularity of social media continues to grow and is likely to do so well into the future. Therefore, not using it is keeping you from recognizing your true potential.
It’s also widely believed through testing that search engines are incorpo-rating social media signals into their algorithms. That means when some-one searches for something, the search engines will factor what kind of influence social media has on that search term. It’s important to become aligned with what you are targeting with these signals.
On the flip side, do not rely solely on the impact of social media. It should be a part of your strategy but should not be the entire focus. Share because you believe your followers will appreciate what you shared, not because you think it will sell. That’s an important distinction, and you need to keep that in mind whenever you share on social media.
People don’t like to be sold to, especially on your Facebook timeline. If you don’t believe me, think about the last time a friend started promot-ing his or her wares on Facebook. Chances are good, they received plenty of unfriend requests. You may have been one who takes that action your-self. Instead, create an environment of sharing useful information.
When you share, don’t be afraid to use other people’s content. Your friends will find it useful, and the people whose content you are sharing will appreciate you for it. They will be much more willing to share your content in exchange. It also gives you plenty of publishing power in case you run out of ideas on what to share. Find content that has a minimum of promotional information.
While sharing other peoples’ content is important, don’t forget to share your own. The point is, you want people to click on the links within your social shares. This will take them to your website and will garner the at-tention of search engines. This, in turn, should increase your ranking with those search engines.
Social media is a long-term strategy, and you need to keep with it to see any benefits. It will probably take much longer than anticipated which means it will seem like it’s not working early on. You have to believe that it will make a difference and keep with it. When it does take off, it can flood your website with high-quality traffic.
Find a Purpose in Repurposing Content
You’ve written a blog post. Great! However, it may not be enough. The problem is, the web is no longer just about text. You need to have other types of content in your mix. One great way to do that is to repurpose your content.
Do you have PowerPoint? If so, you now have the ability to not only cre-ate a slideshow but to turn that slideshow into a video. If you don't have PowerPoint, don't worry. There are plenty of alternatives that don't cost any money.