Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Chapter 5: Offsite Optimization
Offsite optimization deals with the stuff outside your website that can contribute to SEO. One of the main components of offsite optimization is getting backlinks. Backlinks is one of the main components of offsite optimization.
A backlink is basically someone else’s website linking to you. Obviously, pages with higher page rank that link back to you give more Google Juice. The key is to get as many high page rank, RELEVANT websites linking back to you.
Quality over quantity, nuff said.
So it would be a good idea to scout around your competitors websites and request a link exchange.
Another important component is social interactions. Like I said, Google’s algorithm changes from time to time, and recently they implemented a new ruling that social interactions are important for SEO. This could be things like sharing on Facebook, Twitter, comments etc.
The world is connected to everywhere now, not a stand alone component.
Chapter 6: Advanced SEO Tricks
Okay, so we have covered the basics of SEO domination. Let’s look at some advanced techniques for boosting your Page Rank.
Tagging, Categories & Organizing
Have you written a blog post on a blogging platform before? Tagging, categorizing and organizing your blog posts comes a long way and can greatly improve your SEO rankings.
Related Pages Plugin
Plugins like these work great if you are blogging and helps users navigate your site better, as well as create a ton of onsite links within your website.
Speak a different language.
Did you know that many other people are searching for information in other languages? You’d probably get a much higher ranking targeting a different language.
Create a Mini Sitemap
This is great for helping people (as well as Google spiders) navigate your map and creates a tons of mini links.
Chapter 7: SEO Mistakes To Avoid
SEO marketing can be a very powerful tool for generating massive passive traffic. But if you use it incorrectly, you’ll end up doing more harm than benefits. Here are some SEO marketing mistakes you should avoid at all cost:
Over-doing the keywords. If you put too much keywords in your article for SEO purposes, you’ll end up coming off as spam by Google and this will hurt your rankings.
Dabbling with black hat SEO techniques. These techniques are bad and can get you banned or “Google Slapped” so that you will never get a good ranking.
Not having good coding. If you are designing your website yourself and mess up the coding in your website, Google spiders won’t be able to read your site efficiently and this can hurt your rankings as well.
Becoming a link farm. Getting backlinks are important but if you get a ton of useless backlinks from irrelevant spammy sites or use “link getting softwares” you’re doomed.
In short, success in SEO marketing lies in adhering to good SEOpractices and avoiding silly mistakes. There are no shortcuts to success! Don’t forget, content and are king so you have to place a huge focus on those as well, while not overlooking the small stuff.
Chapter 8: SEO – The Way To Passive Traffic
SEO-ing your web content is a great way to generate easy traffic. That being said, you won’t get traffic instantly by writing a few blog posts.
The Way To Go
The process to traffic building via SEO marketing is a long one, and you’ll have to consistently produce good web content which meet standards and also is up to date with relevant information.
So how does one generate passive traffic through SEO? There are a few ways. For one, you can hire a ghost writer to post articles for you. This cuts you out of the equation and can give you more time to focus on the marketing aspects of your business.
You can also pay to have your blog posts featured in websites or directories. This is a faster way to get a boost in your traffic by having your featured article put in front of the website.
Another way is to higher an SEO consultant to optimize your web content so that the SEO will bring in long term steady passive traffic for your website.
Finally, you might consider collaborating with someone. That someone will do the SEO portion while you focus on the other aspects such as creating products, marketing etc.
Remember, you don’t have to do everything yourself.