Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Jerry West: This--this can be--you--this is more of an SEO/SEM, someone who has good experience marketing, copyrighting--there are some fantastic SEO(s) out there that have great experience in all aspects of marketing. This is not just about driving traffic. This is actually taking that traffic and getting them to buy because seriously that’s all that matters at the end right; how often does the cash register ring?
Interviewer: Right, right.
Jerry West: That’s--that’s what we’re--what we’re here for right?
Interviewer: Okay; so just to recap--before we find an SEO we need to have a good idea of what our goals are, we need to know who is our target audience, and then the SEO can help us find out what people are searching for, do some keyword research into our particular product or website, help us with design, and make sure there’s qualified traffic coming to our website?
Jerry West: Exactly; if you have a very good understanding of what you want this will help the SEO do their job better and one thing you want to make sure that you do is once you pick out a very good SEO--let them do their job. You know--you know too often we--we try to go through and you know micro-manage the people that we outsource to and--and that can lead to--to a disaster very, very quickly.
Interviewer: Now you mentioned the website designers that actually sprinkle the keywords throughout the--the website just to try to get that traffic. Can you--can you give us any examples of you know some really out there websites that may have had that happen?
Jerry West: I don’t have any off the top of my head because the ones that--that I’ve--I’ve used for years as examples, they’ve--they’ve all changed their copy but I’m sure everyone has seen them out there. They’ll read the actual text and it’s--and you can tell it’s keyword stuff because there’s just--
Interviewer: It doesn’t make a lot of sense?
Jerry West: Not only that; it --it--every other word is bolded or in a different color and it makes it very, very much--very unreadable and it just--it does not convert well.
Interviewer: All right; so how do I find someone? Do I Google them if I’m looking for an SEO? [Laughs]