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The Panda update actually penalizes sites with spammy unnatural links. It is far more important to have quality links over any quantity of incoming links to your site.
Your focus today should be on getting links that add value to your site. This includes links to blogs that offer additional information in regards to your content. Your goal is to have relevant information whether you are promoting products or are offering services.
So before you add links to your site be certain that the site contains useful and helpful information that will benefit your reader. The more value you offer your visitors the better.
When adding or creating links one of the worst things you can do is go out and build 100 new links in one or two days and then never create any new links again. This looks forced and unnatural to Google and will only serve to send up a red flag. Instead concentrate on creating a handful of new links every few days or once a week. Keep to a schedule which is manageable for you.
One of the best ways for you to create links back to your site is to start leaving blog comments on related blogs. Leave comments that provide helpful and insightful information in the thread. In addition to creating a backlink you will be inviting more visitors to continue reading over on your own blog. It is helpful to leave a link where the visitor will be directed to more information on the same topic on your blog. This is a much better move than just linking back to your home page.