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Your 'about me' page is one of the most underused tools on Ebay and when I come across one that is under utilised I feel sorry for the owner because they are missing out on a glorious opportunity.
When Ebay first started you were allowed to put links to your website on your listings. Unfortunately people started using Ebay as a glorified advertisement for their own websites and Ebay got wise and soon stopped the blatant advertising with new rules.
Now you can still put links to a website or webpage on your listings but those sites or pages can only contain more information on the product in question and you must not be able to purchase said item from them.
However, you are allowed three links to your favourite websites on your 'about me' page. Ok Richard thats great, but why would I want to do that I hear you asking?
Well for a start off selling items from your own website won't incur any Ebay fee's so the more visitors to your own site the better profit margins you'll make. Secondly Ebay's newsletter tool doesn't allow you to put links in it which is no good if your trying to promote your site or products!