Sample Content Preview
The world of publishing has changed in major ways since 2010 when eBooks started becoming all the rage. Now anyone who’s always wanted to write and sell a book can. No more waiting to hear from publishers, only to get rejection letters, one after the other. Now you can make your dreams come true by self-publishing. The actual publishing itself is free. And there are many low-cost and free tools available that makes it affordable for anyone to self-publish their own books, both digital eBooks, and paperbacks.
One of the most important things for wannabe authors to understand; however, is that self-publishing requires more than just writing a quality book and uploading it to Kindle. The self-published author must also market and promote his work so that people can find it. When you publish traditionally, the publishing company does the marketing work for you. But, it’s tough to get a traditional publishing deal. Marketing and promoting your self-published book isn’t difficult, but it is an important part of the process if you want people to read your book.
You may write the most insightful or entertaining book ever. But if you don’t market it, only family and friends will read it. To be a selfpublished author who is making a living, or even a side income, from his books, you must be willing to be the creative brains, but also the business brains behind the book. There are several steps to self-publishing your work:
• Planning
• Writing/Editing
• Marketing
• Promoting
The self-published author will need to move back and forth through these steps. You may, for example, begin writing, but need to go back to the
planning stage if you decide to change the focus of one or more sections of the book. You will also need to work on marketing as you write the book. One example of this is creating a best-selling book cover for your book while still writing it. Yes, your book cover is considered marketing. In fact, it’s possibly the most important marketing you’ll do.
So as you can see, there’s a lot of learning to do before you self-publish your book. But, you can do it! Many people who believed their dream of becoming an author would forever stay a dream now boast of being a multiple book author—some of them even best-selling authors. And they started out just where you are now—wondering how possible it is to make their dream come true.
Why Self-Publish a Book
If so much goes into self-publishing, you may wonder why you should bother. Different people have different reasons for writing a book. Some of them have a great idea for a book, often a fiction book, and they have always wondered if they could really write and publish it. It could be a life-long dream. There are other reasons as well, and ones you may not have thought of.
Increase Authority—If you are a coach, online business owner, trainer or niche blogger, writing a book is a fabulous way to improve your perceived authority in your field. In our society, authors enjoy a high status. Writing a quality book automatically increases your authority in your field.
Grow your audience—Adding a book to your business model is just another way people can find you and the advice they seek.
Increase your income—A book is just another way to offer your expert advice to a wider audience who is looking for help. It gives you a way to help more people and bring in more income while you do it.
Create a career—Not a coach, online business owner or blogger yet? Or maybe you don’t want to do those things, but you want to share your knowledge or creativity with the world while making a good living at it. Many people are now making a full-time living writing and self-publishing books. If they can do it, so can you!
But What if I’m Not a Writer?
Many people want to write a book or even become an authorpreneur (an author who builds a profitable business out of his books—remember, selfpublished authors must be business-minded too). But they know or think they aren’t good enough writers. They might be fantastic storytellers. Or they have invaluable expertise in an area people are dying to find out about. But because they were only a so-so English student, they think they don’t have what it takes to be an author. What a shame!
Believe it or not, being a stellar writer isn’t the most important skill you need to have to be a successful self-published author! The content is what’s so important. Your main job is to put your invaluable advice or storytelling to work—get it on paper. Then, hire a top-notch editor to work out the details. They can smooth out the rough places, make it flow better and fix your grammar mistakes. That’s what they do for a living! All you need to be able to do is to get your knowledge down on paper and then hand it over to them to make it easy and enjoyable to read.
There’s also another way to go about becoming an author. You can hire a ghostwriter to do all the work for you. A ghostwriter will write the book with the details you provide. This is a better option for non-fiction than fiction, however. If you want to improve your authority and have an additional income stream by self-publishing a book, but don’t want to do any of the writing, consider hiring a ghostwriter. There are many places you can find quality ghostwriters if you decide to go that direction.
There’s no need for you to be an amazing writer to author a book! Approximately 80% of the population says they think they have a book in them. But how many of them will go for it? Are you one of that 80 %? Are you willing to learn what steps you should take to become a successful self-published author? You’re off to a great start by picking up this eBook. Here you are going to find out what you need to do to get started making your dream of becoming an author a reality!
Now that you’ve learned how self-publishing a book can improve your career, business, and life, let’s get started with the first stage of the process: Planning.
Planning your Book
Before you even get the first word down onto paper, you need to participate in some brainstorming, do some research and make some decisions. First, brainstorming.
Of course, the first step is to decide what topic you are going to write on. You may have some ideas, but you'll probably need to narrow them down before you start writing. This brainstorming will save you hours of time in the long run. I know you're anxious to get started writing your book, but trust me on this!
Let’s look at a couple of quick examples:
Example #1
Say you are a life coach and you want to write a book to improve your authority and increase the numbers of readers that come to your blog. There are a ton of different topics you could write on as a life coach.