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As you have seen from hitting the highs and lows of various Self-publishing systems and services, there is no one definitive answer. You’ll find authors raving and cursing about every system or method.
There’s always a learning curve. You will always make mistakes or need help on some “sticky" spot (unless you pay top dollar and outsource the lot; in which case, if you don’t do your homework properly, you risk getting ripped off in the time-dishonored method of the old-style Vanity publisher).
And there are always “hidden" costs. (Translation: Every task you let the Self-publishing company do for you will cost ya.)
Doing it yourself (and maybe outsourcing only specific tasks you find particularly disagreeable or difficult) seems to be - believe it or not - the easiest way to go: A cost-effective compromise.
But do your homework: When you are considering a Self-publishing company, at the very least, Google your prospective business partner specifically to see what the complaints - and benefits - are (remembering that what’s a complaint to one person might be a benefit to you; or vice-versa).