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5 Simple Tips to Grow your Self-Esteem
When you think about it, there is nobody more responsible for how you feel than yourself. You can decide to focus on nothing but your negatives, or you can recog-nize the upside of being you. This is good news, because it means you can im-prove a poor mood any time simply by feeling better about yourself. The follow-ing 5 tips and best practices have proven effective for building your self-esteem when it has taken a hit, when you need a mental or emotional boost.
1 - Eat Some Chocolate
Be careful here. This is not a free license to pig out on some unhealthy, highly pro-cessed candy bars or 2,000 calorie desserts. The self-esteem boosting move here is to eat some natural dark chocolate, without added sugar, preservatives and other ingredients. The chemicals in dark chocolate cause the same reaction in your brain that you experience when you feel loved and appreciated.
Studies show you only need to eat two or three small pieces of dark chocolate to boost your self-esteem and feelings of overall well-being.
2 – Keep a Self-Esteem Journal
One of the easiest ways to recognize what is causing you to feel poorly about yourself is to track those experiences. As soon as you begin to question yourself and think negative thoughts about who you are and what you are capable of, break out your journal. The things going on in your environment may be uncon-sciously causing your low self-esteem.
What can you smell? What do you see? Who are you spending time with? What physical environment are you in right now? Did you just try to accomplish some-thing and fell short of success? Keep these and any other thoughts and feelings in your self-esteem journal. You should also record what is happening when you feel high levels of self-love and self -appreciation. You may be surprised to find there are patterns which you can avoid to keep from second-guessing yourself and knocking your self-esteem.
3 – Practice Gratitude and Self-Love in the Morning and at Night
When you are daily grateful for the things around you, you will find yourself feel-ing better about who you are and where you are in the world. Each morning when you arise and just before you lay your head on your pillow, think about the won-derful things you currently enjoy. These can be friends, experiences, gifts or abili-ties. Then think about the wonderful gifts you are grateful for in your past, even if they may not be present now.
Doing this each morning and each evening is a simple way to develop powerful self-esteem which can get you through the day, no matter what life throws at you.
4 – Set Goals And Create Routines, Rather Than Just Taking the Day As It Comes
Routines, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and patterns are like nirvana to the brain. Your brain loves recognizing patterns and then habitually and automati-cally responding. When you have some purpose to your day, the odds that you will complete that day with a sense of self-worth and self -appreciation are higher than if you simply let life happen. The more routines, goals and SOPs you can cre-ate in your life, the better it is for your self-esteem.
5 – Make a Positive Spin
We all fail. We are never going to be 100% successful at anything, and that is just a part of being human. If you were to write down every failure and lack of success you have experienced in your life, you would probably be staggered by the quan-tity. However, this is no reason for knocking yourself for feeling bad about who you are in any way. Failures are simply things that happen. They do not quantify you are as a person.
The next time you experience a failure or lack of success that has you questioning your abilities and knocking your self-esteem, think positively. There are probably incredible lessons you can learn from that failure. Be happy your failure has taught you these lessons, and learn from them in the future. There is always some positive spin to the many failures life is going to hand you, and when you learn to look for them, your self-esteem improves.
For Higher Levels of Self-Esteem, Honesty Is the Best Policy
Do you lie to yourself? We all do from time to time. Sometimes we do it con-sciously so that we don't have to make an effort. If you lie to yourself about some trait or behavior you know you need to change, you are doing yourself no good. This practice can lead to physical, mental or emotional issues that wreck relation-ships, ruin your career, or lead to physical health problems.
If you are constantly caught lying, people begin to feel that they can't trust you. This could harm any area of your life. Even if you successfully lie to everyone and are never found out, are you really helping yourself? There is research that indi-cates people who are constantly lying experience much higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression than others. This probably happens because they are stressed about being found out, and they constantly have to remember what lies they told in the past.
This is no way to go through life.
Everyone should enjoy healthy feelings of self-worth, and if you have to lie to get through the day, you probably won't feel good about yourself. Whenever you lie to a loved one, the feelings of frustration, disappointment, and anger you feel to-wards yourself are not good. Worse yet, when you lie to yourself, you are injuring yourself in so many ways.
Your feelings of self-worth have to originate from a realization of your true situa-tion. If you are failing all of your classes in college yet you see yourself as a capa-ble student, this dishonesty is not going to help you get your degree. What eventually happens is a person who is dishonest with herself suffers from regular bouts of self-questioning.
She wonders why she can't be honest with herself. She begins to feel frustrated and anxious because of this. These feelings trigger the stress response in the hu-man body, cortisol and other "feel bad" chemicals are produced, and mental, emotional and physical health problems are the result.
When you practice honesty, in your dealings with yourself and others, your self-esteem improves. It may sound contrary to what you believe, but even if your honesty points out faults and failings in your life, this honest appraisal of your sit-uation boosts your self-esteem. You feel good about yourself for being honest. These positive feelings increase how you look at yourself, and they further em-power you with self-confidence that you can improve upon those negative areas of your life.
Be honest with yourself and with your loved ones. Lies don't help anyone. You will eventually get found out, and then people will wonder whether or not you really value their relationships. For better self-esteem and self-love, self-confidence and personal relationships, be honest with yourself and those you care about.
High Self-Esteem Boosts Self-Confidence and Expands Your Life Experience
How do you feel about yourself? Did you know that answering that simple ques-tion gives you powerful information about how rich of a life you live? Some peo-ple are very happy to live a simple existence. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. In many cases though, the inquisitive and exploring nature of the hu-man brain means that people want to get the most out of their lives by being ex-posed to multiple experiences and realities.
This is why the travel industry will always generate billions and billions of dollars. People strive to learn and know more about the world they live in and the people that inhabit that world.
One simple way to boost your life experience if you feel like you are stuck in the doldrums is to enjoy a better opinion of yourself. High self-esteem gives you posi-tive feelings about who you are and what you can do. The more positively you view yourself, the more likely you are to take on new experiences or tasks.
This elevates your self-confidence, and when you enjoy high self-esteem, whether you fail or succeed at anything, you appreciate the fact that you made an effort. Consequently, high levels of confidence which come from healthy self-esteem work to improve your self-esteem even more. This is a wonderful cycle of mental health and well-being that begins with you simply recognizing that you are a being that is worthy of recognition.