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Nowadays, the increase in competition has made most of us forget our values and traditions. This had brought us more close to the negativities of life. The drive to achieve success has made us forget our relationships. Hatred, jealousy and materialism guide our actions. This in turn hampers the development of our inner self. Therefore, for the achievement of a higher, inner self it is essential to have a healthy mind. This can be accomplished by encouraging positive thoughts in our mind and exercising self-control. Negative thoughts should completely be averted. This is what will lead us to choose the correct path.
Self-control has at many times, been linked with various religious purposes. Actually, this is not true. There is no condition laid that only a religious person is capable of self-control. Almost each one of us employs self-control in our daily chores without even realizing it. For instance, if a student is preparing for his exam that is to be held, the next day and he is feeling sleepy, then he will control his urge and postpone sleeping, as he knows that he still has a lot to do in a short time. Thus, one can control his or her urge for a temptation in many ways. Hypnosis is the most widely known of the techniques of self-control. This refers to a method in which a patient is put in a sleepy condition and the conversation, which then takes place between the doctor, and the patient reve als the fe ars in the mind of the patient to the doctor. This helps the doctor analyze the cause of the patient’s problem and suggest a solution to it. This further tranquil the mind of an individual and give him a healthy mind which will be helpful for self-control.
Another proven technique of self-control is the emotional motivation of an individual. This refers to a method in which a person’s actions are performed according to the way he is being convinced. A person who is encouraged more towards the positive things will be convinced for it to be a better option to achieve success. Whereas, a person who is more inclined towards the negative things will think it to be the correct path of accomplishing his victory.
Neuro-linguistic programming is the method of self-control that deals with the intermingling of verbal language, actions and thoughts which enables us to view reality in a better way. This effectively brings about a change in the perception and attitude of an individual and guides him to the right path. This will encourage him towards an optimistic outlook in life and improves his will power that aids in self-control.
Amendment in the behaviour of an individual is one of the most ancient methods, which are used by the psychiatrists. It instils positive thinking and ave rts the ne gative ide as in the mind of a person. This makes him fight the obstacles that he may have to face on the way of triumph and accomplish his desired goals. This also makes him recognize and emphasize on his aims in life and divert all his efforts and energy towards attaining it.
However, for this victory he will have to curb his desires and control himself, not to be carried away by his temptations in life. This way will also contribute to his self-development. Self-awareness is the process that enables us to analyze our vices and virtues. A person should try to reduce his vices and add on to his virtue, which enhances the development of his own self. Self-control is a method that will add on to the virtues of an individual and thereby in his self-development. It also brings out the hidden talent and increases the confidence level of a person. Cultivate your will to listen to body talks that assist you with developing self-control.