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Okay...what if you appreciate humor and can laugh hysterically at funny things...but...you don't believe that you can make others laugh. You don't believe that you can tell a joke, even if it's the simplest, shortest, most basic joke in existence.
There's actually an easy fix for that.
You can become a lot funnier by simply imitating your favorite comedian (or actor.) Mimic your favorite funny man, whether it's a celebrity, your best friend, or that funny guy from work.
Pretend you're an actor, and your role is to play your funniest character - whether it's Jim Carrey or Chris Rock or Robbin Williams or someone you know personally, or whomever.
Imagine stepping into this person's body and taking over his life. Please don't take this lightly. This is actually very powerful - it's what some of the best actors do to prepare for their roles.
The reason you want to pick someone that you think is the funniest person (and not what others think is funny) is because you want to fit this character to your own existing personality, style or at least taste.
When you do the above, it will also automatically put you in the right frame of mind. You won't have to work at it. Consider that a powerful bonus.