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Chapter 8: Believe in You
Believing in yourself can sometimes be hard, especially when you feel unworthy and unloved. When the truth is, you are capable and worthy. Don’t let negative thoughts eat you and hinder you from achieving what you truly want in life. There is so much that life has to offer, be ready to embrace all of it.
Recognizing your skills and the numerous good things about you will significantly help you to believe in yourself. Think of the things that people compliment you about. Look at those things that you can do well and feel more comfortable in doing them and other things also. You need to set your goals and make way to achieve them. Expose yourself outside and discover a lot of things that you can actually do.
See failures as learning and take your shortcomings as motivation to be better. The first thing you do when you believe in yourself is trying even if you think you can’t do it at first. The wrong belief that we often stick to is that, we are afraid to be wrong so we end up not trying. This negative mindset will only put you passively. The thing is, you should try new things so that you will learn how to handle them by your own. Also, you may talk to people who love you and find a better perception on yourself. Sometimes, we are reluctant to see the good things in ourselves but others will remind us how good we are. When you are simply poisoned by the things around you, you may take some rest and get prepared for the next battle. Things around you can be overwhelming; taking a break would just be the right thing to do.
Guidelines to Believe
If you believe in something, do it. If you think that something important needs to be done, then don’t ever hesitate to do it. You also need to get realistic expectations and think that things will fall into place just the way you want it to be. You need to balance your thinking about things that may go right and wrong. Making mistakes is done by everyone, it is inevitable. Recognize yourself in other people and realize that we are all worthwhile. If they can do better things, you can do better things too.
One very important thing to believe in you is to stop degrading yourself. You have to stop underestimating your own capabilities. Do yourself a favor and never mind those negative things that other people say about you. When you think of the positive things that you have, you can be able to achieve what you want in life.
When you focus yourself and move forward, you are simply letting go of the past which may not be helpful for you. Think about how to perform well in the future instead of burying yourself in the past. Rather, think of things like how you can’t change that past and have a brighter future instead. If you have built confidence in yourself, you have a great probability that you can accomplish the things that you have planned to achieve.