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Chapter 8 - Using Google To Discover The Best Keywords
There are various ways that you can discover which are the best keywords for you to use when you are trying to promote your website. You want to be sure that you use both keywords that are relevant to your site and also to the consumer who will be using these keywords to search for products or services such as what you sell online.
One way to figure out which are the best keywords for you is to use a Google tool. Google is the largest search engine online and there are many different Google tools that are designed to help you figure in ranking in this search engine. You can do research prior to setting up your site to figure out which are the best keywords to use for your site and which will bring in the most searches.
The Google analytics toolbar will let you know which keywords will work best for you. This works with regular keywords to give you an idea of what others will be putting into the search bar to seek out your product or service. In some cases, keyword choices may be obvious. In others, it may not be so obvious.
The Google tool will let you know the number of searches that are performed for each of the keywords that they pull up relevant to your site. You can use this tool to ascertain which are the correct keywords that you should be using in your SEO marketing efforts.
You should take advantage of all of the tools that are offered by Google to get your site up and running. The keyword analysis is one of the many tools that Google offers to help you with your website. Once you have your website up and running, you can submit it to the Google search engine.
Make a list of the keywords and use them in the text that you use to promote your site. The keywords should be part of all of the SEO marketing that you do. You may not be able to use all of the keywords in a given article or blog, but you will want to work with all of them. Some of them will reflect that they are searched more than others.
Also take in to account misspellings. If you have a product that can easily be misspelled, you can capture a great deal of the market if you account for this in your SEO marketing. You may be able to pick up customers who are using an alternate spelling for your product and who land directly on your page rather than others who do not offer the misspelled words in their text.
While it is important to make sure that you have a website that appears grammatically correct and does not contain any glaring errors, it is just as important to attract people to that website. You can do this creatively by making use of the misspellings that many people will use when they are searching for your item.