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One of Scribd’s big advantages is its vast paid and free marketplaces. While it’s always good to specifically target a niche, one thing that’s rarely spoken about but often happens involves people missing a whole sub-group of their demographic... simply because they don’t realize it exists.
It’s possible to focus tightly on the members of a specific forum, and do accurate, meticulous market research as to where your ideal customer can be found… and completely miss a whole other market segment “hidden” outside your usual market research avenues.
These are the ones who often “discover” your document on Scribd – and once discovered it is quickly tweeted, buzzed, stumbled, digged, friended and generally passed around by all those wonderful social-recommendation means. In short, a remarkably effective way to go “viral”.
Is it counting on the element of chance?
You bet. But have you got the element of chance covered anywhere else in your careful marketing plans?
And the sudden, instantaneous swell in traffic “lucking on” to a group produces is the most surprising and delightful side effect reported, among those who upload regularly to Scribd.