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Many individuals suffering from agony related with excessive blushing found ETS or Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy as the simplest way to get rid of this disorder.
Surgery done for blushing seems very easy for individuals to get rid of this problem completely. They think that it is the only perfect solution which can provide them with a normal physical, emotional and mental balance state. After trying and spending so much on numerous other treatments they end up with only one answer left – ETS. After excessive research work from scientists, most physicians also consider it as the ideal way to combat the problem of too much blushing completely. Wait! Just think before getting this costly affair done!
It is true that ETS is the most effective form to overcome this problem, but for readers knowledge there are tons of risks and side effects attached with this way of curing. One important fact which I think that all readers must know is that ETS affects body nerves. It is true! Scientifically, the syndrome of too much blushing is caused due to over activeness of nervous sympathetic system. In order to overcome ghastly effects of this ailment, surgeons cut down such nerves which are involved in blushing reaction.
Deliberately done action to damage such nerves is a medical step so as to cure the ‘excessive blushing disorder’. Since there are chances that other nerves may also get damaged so getting this surgery done is not a simple task. Surgical process done is permanent and irreversible. Once damage has been caused on other normal body nerves then it can’t be rectified. Such damages can lead to side effects such as problems relating with regulation of body temperature, decreased stamina capacity, reduced lung breathing capacity, excessive sweating over all other body parts and even to paralysis of any organ.
For such hazardous reasons, surgery done for blushing has been banned in many known countries. Best way to get rid of this disorder is to go for safe, effective, inexpensive and easy treatment methodologies. Psychological and therapeutic measures have been outlined by experts that are effective to a great extent and provide really benefitting outcomes. They are inexpensive, free from side effects and affordable which makes them suitable for all individuals suffering from this ailment.
Problem of excessive blushing can occur in both males and females at any point of age. There are more other risks which must be known by readers for gaining deep knowledge regarding this.