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Buy in bulk, cook in bulk
Many wholesale supermarkets offer you discounts for buying products in bulk. This is a good way to save only if you have somewhere to store a dozen tins of everything and 10kg of rice and flour. If you have a large pantry or a place to store non-perishables this can be a way of taking advantage of unlimited quantity specials. You will need to use the products before they go out of date and start to deteriorate.
Get together with family and friends-If you don’t have the room, split the items between your family or a group of friends. Having 4 members in your group is enough. Everyone puts in their share and one of you goes and buys the products and then you split them up equally amongst the group.
Sometimes cases of tinned food are cheaper than buying each tin individually but if you can’t store it there is no point in buying it. Find out what your family and friends buy and split a case, say of baked beans.
Bulk dry goods are usually cheaper to buy at the local supermarket. You do need to do a price comparison as bulk does not equal cheaper. Check the price per kilogram, pound or litre to make sure that the bulk quantity is not more expensive than the smaller quantities.
If your family like bolognaise sauce, make a big batch and freeze portion sizes for using later. It is just as easy to make a big batch
Make muffins in large quantities and freeze to pop in lunch boxes or to take out when friends drop in