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Most guys view sex (or intercourse) as the "main event," which is why I've placed quotation marks in the title above. It's a little humorous, actually.
Guys can't wait to get to the "sexual intercourse" stage. All the previous stages can seem like "work" to most guys.
Women view these things a bit differently. To a woman, the entire evening (starting from when you first walked up to her till the very moment you're about to have sex with her) has been one, long, delectably-drawn out evening of foreplay.
She has enjoyed and savored every fun, little moment of this flirting, sensual, back-and-forth dance of anticipation and desire.
Intercourse is simply the cherry on top. And, it only tends to come about if the rest of the evening naturally, comfortably, and sensually leads up to it. (Yep..."naturally and comfortably"...but you knew that already, didn't you?
So, as you continue to heat things up and build sexual tension, you must also keep in mind that building comfort at this stage is even more important than ever before.
Because, as we discussed much earlier in this report, the closer you get to having sex with her, the more likely it is that her "conditioned" resistance patterns will creep up and try to get in the way of her enjoying the wild and passionate exchange that's about to follow.
Remember...it's not that she doesn't like you, or that she doesn't want to have sex with you. She does. But she wants to feel good about going through with it.
So, the more comfortable, safe and secure you can make her feel - about herself and about her body, as well as about enjoying this passionate night with you, the easier it will be for her to have sex with you.
Okay... we've covered the main stages of the overall "same night sex" strategy. Now, let's get to the long-anticipated bonus section of to this report that will tie all of the pieces together for you - and even fill in some of the blanks that you may be wondering about.