WARNING: Please DO NOT Refresh This Page,Because You WILL NOT be Able to Access it Again!
(For Real, This IS NOT a Ploy! Please DON'T Test It - Yet!)
"Use This Powerful New Software To Force Your Visitors To Buy Your Products, Spend More Money, And Keep Coming Back For More!"
Only 250 PLR Copies Will Be Sold - EVER!
Only 0 Copies Remain!
Order in The Next , and Get The SOURCECODE and Private Label Rights to This Brand Spanking New Tool for Less Than $100!
(Personal Use Copy Also Available)
NOTE: When This Timer Expires, You Will Pay 2X The Price,And Will STILL Be Getting a Darn Good Deal!
Let's get right to it.....
To make more money from your website, you need to increase conversions on the traffic you are already getting. You need your salespage to sell more copies, and you need your visitors to spend more money with you.
The "Sales Trigger Generator" Does Exactly That!
As a matter of fact, you're already witnessing it in action!
Look at this:
Only XX Copies Remain!
This is the FIRST HIT of the 1-2-3 Punch that Sales Trigger Generator delivers.
This is NOT a "ploy", these are the ACTUAL copies remaining before this offer is gone FOREVER. (See Live Counter up Top)
Showing your visitor the copies remaining does two things for you. First, the falling number provides a sense of urgency for your prospect, and the lower it goes, the more it works....
Another advantage is it provides what is known as "social proof" that others are buying this product too - "so it must be great!" We are instinctive creatures, and when we see others doing something, we have more confidence in our decision to do it too.
The SECOND BLOW is that the user cannot leave the page, come back later and still get your reduced price!
When the user refreshes the salespage, or leaves and comes back later, they will automatically be redirected to your "page 2 offer". This page will have another offer for the visitor, only at a higher price.
(Just as we've done for this very page!)
You will make more money by TURNING PEOPLE AWAY from your discount offer when they don't take advantage within your time limit, or if they don't order right away!
The Time Limit!
Order in The Next XX Minutes, & Get The SOURCECODE and Private Label Rights to This Powerful Tool for Less Than $100!
Now, this isn't like the commercials on TV that say "Order in The Next 10 minutes and get everything under the sun as an added bonus for FREE!"
We all know that they are just using another ploy, and that we can call the 800# THREE WEEKS from now, and STILL get the same deal, same price, same bonus.