Safeguard Your Web Pages From Ruthless Cyber-Thieves Who Are Determined To Rip You Off!
Dear Internet Marketing Friend,
Did you know that online content theft is at an all-time high right now?
Well, it's true.
Just look at some of the many ways thieves could be stealing from you at right this very minute:
They could be stealing your PayPal download "return link" by simply clicking View, then Page Source
They could take and use your web page design and graphics by simply clicking File, then Save As
They could copy pictures, images and other artwork from your page, even those that are copyrighted, and use them elsewhere
They could harvest email addresses from your page and start spamming them
And that's plain scary!
Clearly, You Need Protection...
You Need Sales Page Lockdown!
Don't let thieves profit from your hard work and expense any longer... get Sales Page Lockdown and slam the door shut on online theft for good!