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Using your Sales Overload Home Study Course, you're going to build your business in a two-step fashion.
First, you're going to set up your business, getting all the main administration out of the way. Second, you're going to start marketing your business.
Although that's a brief and simplified version of what you'll be doing, that's basically it. Try not to get bogged down with the details. Simply work this plan and the money will follow.
To simplify the process, your plan is presented in daily bite size pieces. Each day takes approximately 1 hour to complete. If you can spend more than one hour a day building your business, feel free to complete as many days as you can in one sitting. If you don't have 1 hour a day to work on your business, use the time you have efficiently and break up the days in the list into manageable bite size pieces. The important part of following this plan is you complete day 1 before moving onto day 2, complete day 2 before moving onto day 3. If you try to circumvent the system, you're shooting yourself in the foot. Jumping around from day to day will weaken your business foundation and take you much longer to build a solid profitable business.