Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Next up, comes something that again, many people miss to their detriment; an introduction. Who are you? If I've just landed on your site, why should I be listening to you? Simple, tell us your name, and who you are for a start. Start by making that connection to the reader and making it personal.
Imagine you land on a sales letter with no introduction, no name, just a headline and sales letter. I guarantee you'll be reading through and be wondering who you're listening to, that's if you even read at all. The internet isn't a personal medium. People can't see your facial expressions or hear the tone of your voice. In fact, as far as anyone is concerned, if you don't introduce yourself, you're just a faceless nobody.
So here's the deal, you tell us who you are at the start of your sales letter, and we'll start listening to you as if you were a person. The easiest way to do this is a quick and easy header, 'From the desk of YourNameHere'. And what are you in relation to the product? Just the owner of the site? Designer of the software? Pioneer of this brand new fish catching system? Tell us who you are. If you're an authoritative figure, we're more likely to listen to you.
Here comes the fun part, and where most sales letters I see in my day to day browsing and exploring of the e-mails go wrong, the introduction. How to start? Well, I hope you're up for a writing a bit of a story here, because this is how I love to start the sales letters that I write. Now don't get me wrong or run a mile just yet, it's not quite as complicated as writing a make believe story. All we're going to do here is come up with a few short sentences about how first off you discovered a problem, and came up with the solution, and now you have the solution you're able to earn more cash, get more leads, catch more fish etc.
It doesn't need to be long, and it doesn't need to be complicated or awe inspiring. All you're doing here is describing the problem that you discovered and saying that you solved it with your product and to what extent. There's no reason to blab on for pages and pages if you don't want to, but this is your chance to show off your expertise, introduce your product, and lead nicely into the features and benefits section, stopping your sales letter from just becoming a big boring list.
So what exactly do you write? Well, I'll be honest with you, there's so many different ways people go about this. Your main aim is make things bigger and better. Make the problem bigger, make the solution better, make the gains bigger and avoidances more important. What I'm sure you'll find is once you're writing, like with most things, once you start, you'll flow more easily, and you won't have a problem. So, what I'll give you now is a place to start, a middle, and an end. The gaps in between you can fill with information that you believe is relevant to your product.
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- License: Master Resell Rights
- Category:Ebooks
- Tags:2011 Ebooks Master Resale Rights