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Method #18 Emphasize The Need Buy Now
Put a sense of urgency into your ads. Some ways you can do this is by placing time limits on special offers. Let the readers realize that passing up on a good deal will rob them of the golden opportunity.
This applies to any product that you are selling. Whether it is an insurance policy, nutritional supplement or anti-aging serum, stress the importance and benefits of taking advantage of the offer now.
Method #19: Establish An Efficient Follow-Up System
The list derived from your opt-in page can serve as leverage on perfecting your own follow-up system. Send interesting and informative emails on a periodic basis.
Always keep your subscribers in the know. Also, give them something to look forward to like an upgrade to a current system or a freebie that comes with a new product. Be mindful of the fact that not all subscribers on your list will want to receive emails from you for a long time and may cancel as a result.
For every canceled subscription, direct your subscribers to a survey page. Create a bullet list of reasons why they opted out of the service. Do not take this on a negative note. Rather, keep everything in context and bear them in mind for future reference.
Method #20: Use Split-Testing
Testing the effectiveness of your website can help you a lot in determining your next course of action. Split-testing is a technical and a scientific way of determining a marketing strategy works best in your favor.
Using different variables, split-testing can provide you a solid basis for your decisions. This involves trying strategy with one set of users and another one with a different set. Then, interchange these and you get a different result.
Consumers react differently even to subtle changes on your website. It can be a slight increase in font size or the use of a color that is a hue brighter than the original one.
Take note of the results and you can develop a website that will help you capture a large percentage of the market.