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Chapter 5: Exercise and Its Type
In this chapter, I will tell you about different types of exercises and their effects on different aspects of your life and health.
Exercise to improve bone and muscle strength
Flexibility increasing exercises
Cardiovascular exercise
Get Moving
If someone has told you that only a hard and tough exercise routine can make you healthy then, he has misguided you completely because although exercise is necessary for your health and fitness but it is not necessary that you have to work out for more than an hour every day to stay fit. After hearing this kind of hard working plan, most of the people lose their heart and they think that they do not have time for this crap and they are better without it. This is also a wrong attitude and you should look for more proper and realistic guide. Obviously, you have a busy life routine and you cannot get time for exercise daily but you can obviously find 15-20 minutes daily for very relaxing kinds of exercises which can help you to get rid of whole day’s stress and can make your fresh for a new start. In this discussion, I am going to give you all those secret exercise types and will also tell you their advantages.
First of all, you need to know that there are four kinds of exercise plans which are available and all four of them have different advantages for your physical health.
Exercise To Improve Bone and Muscle Strength
These exercises are also called strength and resistance increasing exercises. Most of the people take body building as strength and resistance increasing exercise but you need to know that body building is another category of exercise in which the primary goal of the person is to enhance muscle growth.
You can add some weight lifting and body building in your fat burning and weight control plan but you should do it to an extent where your body can bear it without any problem. If you over tried this exercise then, your whole body can be a mess. I have seen people joining gyms and doing hard exercise just by watching other people doing it. This is not the way to go instead consult your trainer personally and ask him about appropriate exercises which can fit in your needs. If your weight is under control and you need just light exercise to keep your healthy system going then, you do not need to lift heavy weights.
Flexibility Increasing Exercises
Second type of exercise plan can be to increase your flexibility and in more common terms you can say that if you used to have pain in your arms, legs, lower back, neck and other similar areas of your body then, you need to make your body more flexible. Flexibility will increase resistance and you will be able to cope with more difficult positions and postures easily. You have to go through different postures in daily life for example if you work in an office then, you can be given an uncomfortable chair at times or you may be given some work in which you have to concentrate hard on computer screen and you cannot rest your back with chair. In these situations, if you do not have any flexibility in your body then, it will create problems but regular flexibility exercises which will not take more than 10-15 minutes of your time, will increase this flexibility and will make you feel better and active.
Cardiovascular Exercise
Cardio means heart and vascular means the vessels of blood and this whole phrase means that these exercises improve the functionality of your lungs and make the use of oxygen more effective and rectify any heart problems which you can have. These exercises are little time consuming and should be properly learned from your doctor or trainer. Most of the times, people who already have got some heart problem perform these kinds of exercises to avoid any future problems.
Aerobics are the last type of exercises which are most helpful for maintaining a healthy body. These exercises are very simple and they do not need any special preparation and time frame for execution. If you just get up early in the morning and do some dancing then, this is also a type of aerobics but most of the aerobics are for young and energetic people as some difficult angels and twists are included in this exercise routine. You need to first learn this exercise from some professional trainer of aerobics and once you have learnt them then, these exercises will not require more than 10 minutes of your daily time.
Chapter 6: Tips for Weaker and Old Age People
If you are a senior citizen and striving for good health then, this chapter will give you perfect ways to maintain a very fit and healthy body.
Keep your mind young
Some secret health tips for older people
Regular health check ups
Overcome your bad habits
Senior safety at home
Our body is just like a very delicate machine and more we use this machine, more sensitive it becomes to faults. Similar is the case with old age because in our old age, we had consumed almost everything of our body and it needs special care and extreme attention to stay fit and working 100 percent. If you are in your early 40’s then, you should know that you are entering an age where very small diseases can over run you and you will be left helpless but there are lots of things which you can always do to improve your daily life and stay fit even in your old age.
Keep Your Mind Young
Most of the people get old because they think they are old. Your mind frame has a very deep effect on your overall health. You should never say to yourself that you have become old and weak because if you trusted this opinion then, it will make you even weaker and older.
You should keep your spirits up and say to yourself that it is not the time to lie down on your bed instead you should participate actively in daily activities. I have seen people who lie down on their bed when they enter in their 50’s and have their grandkids. This is not the way instead you should remain active and try to participate in your family matters as it tells you your importance and you do not stick to that plan of being weaker.