Sick and tired of watching by the sidelines as the A-list bloggers make all the money?
Discover How You Can Make A Six-Figure Income From Your Blog Using Little-Known "RSS to Email" Tactics - And Print Money on Auto-Pilot!
Step-by-Step Video Tutorials Reveal The Dirty Little Secrets of Millionaire Bloggers - And How You Can Steal Them For Your Own Benefit..
Dear Blogger,
Are you struggling to make a decent living online?
If you are, what you're about to read on this page will forever shatter your pre-conceived notions about what it really takes to make money from your blog.
MYTH #1 - Advertising is A Great Way To Make Money
No! Advertising is NOT a great way to make money blog. Not unless you're CNN, Engadget or TechCrunch, that is!
The brutal fact is, unless you can somehow get millions of pageviews and a few hundred thousand visitors a month, no one will even think about spending advertising dollars on your blog!
MYTH #2 - Write Good Content and The Money Will Come
Yeah right! Whenever I hear some say "Just write good content and the money will come.." I know for a fact that he hasn't the slightest idea what he's talking about. The truth is, no matter how well you write you'll never make money online unless (I'll get to that in a while)..
Myth #3 - Get Massive Traffic and You'll Make Lots of Money
Sure, if you get traffic you will eventually make some money on the Internet. But the fact is, 95% of people who read your blog today will never come back. That literally mean you're just making a meager 5% of what you could really be making, if only you knew the secret..