Would The Thought Of Thousands Of Other Web Site's All Displaying Your Content, And A Link Back To Your Web Site Excite You?
What If This Could All Happen Automatically,
with a simple push of a button.....
RSS Announcer instantly and automatically submits your RSS feeds to all of the major RSS feed directories on the Internet.
Imagine the power of tens of thousands of other web sites being able to easily display your RSS feeds on their web sites for content.
Think that will drive you some extra traffic?
Dear Friend,
How much is your time worth?? And how much of it do you spend on trying to get other sites to link to your site?
The power of RSS feeds are a give-and-take, everyone knows that you can create massive web sites displaying other people's RSS feeds, which are great for driving search engine spiders.
This works especially well if you are building large content sites for making money with programs such as Google Adsense or also for promoting affiliate programs.
But there is also an often overlooked side of making money with RSS feeds, and that is your creating your own RSS feeds for displaying on other peoples web sites.
But once you have taken the time to learn how to create your own RSS feeds. How do you get other people to display your RSS feeds on their web site?
I used to spend hours and hours when I first found out about the power of displaying RSS feeds on other peoples web sites submitting my RSS feed links to five or 10 directories. So other people to find the links and use the content for their web sites.
This worked great when I was just getting started. However we all the old saying that time is money, and if you consider the amount of time I used to spend submitting my feeds to the RSS directories, I was losing loads and it...