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Remember that romance is a two-way street. If you are trying to get some romance back into your life, or trying to hit it off with a new love, let your partner know what you are trying to do and enjoy the creative process together.
Know your partner well enough to know whether your changed behavior will be a pleasant surprise OR just perceived as odd or unusual behavior.
If your partner needs to be ‘in the mood’ you probably shouldn’t surprise them until they are used to your new habits!
Take a look at the answers you gave to the questions about your partner’s preferences and decide how you want to approach this.
Some people may want to surprise their partner first with a new romantic idea or event and THEN tell them that they’d like to keep this kind of thing going as an ongoing treat for the both of them.
Others may prefer to talk to their partner first and tell them what they have in mind and then even make it a creative contest to discuss what they might like to do for a special event and WHEN.
That excitement alone can get increase the romance meter as you look forward to the planning and execution of your special adventure.
Still others may wish to ask some questions and casually explore whether their partner is open to new ideas and to trying some new romantic activities.
BUT, if the answer is ‘no’, then you have to decide how to handle the situation.
You certainly don’t want to FORCE your partner to do anything they do not want to do!
And, if you are really trying to put romance in your life and IF you are sensitive to your partner’s preferences and desires, you should have no problem convincing them that you will both enjoy this process.
If you do have a problem, you may want to sit down and talk honestly about your relationship and find out if there are other things going on.
Assuming things go smoothly and you break the ice, encourage your partner to come up with ideas and things to do, or to surprise you with whatever THEY might like to do.
Even if you consider yourself a boring person without a creative bone in your body, once you try the suggestions we’ve given you here, you WILL come up with your own ideas and you’ll discover more about what you and your partner like and do NOT like as you proceed.