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Everybody has a time in their lives when they are not on top of everything. Sometimes, those times are worse than others, and we find ourselves hitting rock bottom with no apparent chance of making things right again. It can be very difficult and scary to realize that the things that have been working on are not working out in our favor. We feel worthless at times, maybe even hopeless. And that is natural. Everybody feels badly if they fail.
However, failure is not the worst possible situation. In fact, it can be quite a learning opportunity. Instead of allowing yourself to beat yourself up over your supposed failures, there is a way to look back on them and learn how to accept them and grow as a person. It may seem strange, but it is possible. Instead of feeling upset and useless, we can begin to see ourselves as beings full of great power and potential.
In this book series, you are going to learn exactly what it takes for you to pick yourself up from your bootstraps and succeed. It is possible for you to rise from the ashes, no matter what the situation may be, and by reading Rising from the Ashes, you are going to learn exactly how you can do that. Don’t waste any time! Get your hands on your copy today!
Chapter 1: Why Not Just Give Up?
Sometimes, it seems that the easiest path that we can take is to give up on our current accounts and move on to something new. Sometimes, yes, this can be more productive. However, if we are already feeling like we have hit rock bottom, giving up is the worst possible thing that you can do. Instead of telling yourself that there is no reason for you to keep trying, try and remember that there are many reasons for you to pick yourself up off the ground and move on toward your greater purpose.
There are many reasons not to give up. There are so many opportunities waiting for us, if we are only open to the possibility of seeking them out. Nobody wants to find out that they have been sitting inside and sulking when if they had just stepped outside for a moment, they would’ve realized there was a great parade full of opportunities walking down their street. If you are willing to resign yourself to the possibility that your options are limitless, it is much more difficult to stay on the ground when you fall and find yourself struggling.
Giving up is never truly an option. All of us are capable of so many great things. But what we have to do is learn how to believe in ourselves and give ourselves everything that we could ever possibly needto succeed emotionally and mentally before we will ever be able to go about it.
There are times when it would be much wiser to try to find a different path. There are times when it is smart to evaluate your progress honestly and decide whether or not it is time to take a different route. You can always be flexible in the way you approach your goals, but if something isn’t working and it continues not to work, it is better not to dwell. That is the only time when it is acceptable to give up. But you are not giving up entirely. You are just giving up on a particular plan of action that was not helping you to achieve the things you needed to achieve.
What is important most of all is to know that you matter and you are capable of doing great things, even if you encountered challenges and obstacles in the past. You have to fully believe in yourself. Never let yourself believe for one second that you aren’t capable of getting yourself up off the ground. Reading Rising from the Ashes will give you the tools and resources that you need so that you no longer fall back on the comfortable belief that you aren’t capable of doing anything right, and prepare you for a chance to create your own opportunities and pick yourself up from your bootstraps so that you can succeed.
Chapter 2: Priming Yourself For Success
Let’s face it. If you didn’t want to succeed, you wouldn’t be reading these books. However, you have to remind yourself that this is something that you want to do. You truly need to set aside the mental resources that you need before you will be able to embark upon your journey. If you have struggled in the past with success, that struggle will soon prove to be very valuable. Because, when you struggle, you are learning.
A lot of success depends on your mentality. You have to make sure that you are prepared fully for the possibility of failure and primed for the likelihood of success. You cannot let yourself be convinced that you will never succeed. Instead, begin to focus on the future. See every way that you are making decisions in your life daily that will ultimately become collected into one intention.
For example, if you are busying yourself every day with a stronger team, such as healthy eating and exercise, over time, you will gradually begin to lose weight and feel good about your body. However, if you are making decisions every day to eat fast food and sit around rather than exercise, then ultimately, you are creating a negative future for yourself and your body.
It is very important to remember that the future is in your hands. Every choice that you make now in the present moment can affect you later on. You have to try your hardest to make good and conscientious choices that are going to help you to thrive in the future rather than come back to bite you. Everybody has a vice here or there, but if you are willing to look at yourself objectively and understand that you do not have to be a victim to your own vices and that you do have power and control over what happens to you and your destiny, it is that much easier to prime yourself for success.
This may seem more difficult if you have faced failures in the past. You may feel like there is no point in trying anymore. However, that just proves that there is far more reason to try now than ever. You are on a downward spiral if you find yourself stuck in that way. The only way out of something so defeating is by taking your power back and believing that every choice you make is going to make a difference. Don’t fool yourself into believing that you are stuck. Instead, take your power back into your hands and move forward rather than backward.
Reading Rising from the Ashes will provide you with many ways that you can begin to utilize these methods and take control of your future!