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Sometime the chosen exercise regimen would need to be revamped if the individual is not getting any positive benefits especially in terms of weight loss changes, which should ideally be evident within the first few months of embarking on the chosen exercise program.
There are also other times when it would be necessary to watch the weight progress, and this is especially so if there is a set ideal goal weight that is the focus of the exercise regimen in the first place.
Some people find that watching the weight progress or lack of as a motivating factor. This very visible tell tale sign of the success levels being reached can help to keep the individual focused and willing to continue with the exercise regimen designed.
The weight watching can also help the individual to continue to push for further improvements, once it becomes evident that the exercise regimens are effective.
Weight watching management can also help the individual and those connected to the designing of the exercise program to incorporate exercises that are suitable to the weight of the individual, as this will help to lessen the percentages of possible injury during and after exercises.
The weights would in some cases dictate the kinds of equipment that would be suitable for use without causing undue stress to the body, and this is especially important for those who are just embarking on the exercise routine. Health and weight issues need to be carefully considered for this category of individuals. Thus, the importance of weight watching management should not be underestimated.