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Recent studies have shown that regular inclusion of salmon in an individual diet can help to provide the support needed for healthier joint cartilage, insulin effectiveness and control of digestive tract inflammation.
Though there is the ever present fear of mercury poisoning, there are still some salmon runs that pose a comparatively lower risk from being contaminated with the said mercury. The salmon caught in the wild in the Alaskan waters is one such example of lower contamination levels.
Although salmon has long been linked to a good source of omega 3 fats, new discoveries have shown that consuming as little as 6 ounces three times a week produces unique bioavailability which in turn causes the membranes of red blood cells to be functioning better and stronger.
This added to the already well established fact that the supportive combination of EPA and DHA is excellent for supporting healthy heart conditions; the salmon is indeed a good food source for energy and wellbeing.
This general wellbeing is seen in the better and more improved transfer of information between the body’s cells and also better brain function.
There are also documented positive impacts on cardiovascular health, as the decreased risk of numerous problems such as heart attacks, strokes, heart arrhythmia, high blood pressure and others become increasingly evident.
Other areas that show signs of benefits are the general improved mood and cognitions of people consuming salmon on a regular weekly diet plan. Joint protection is also another benefit evident when salmon is a regular dietary ingredient.