Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Chapter 10 - The Interview
The first thing that you want to remember when you are at a job interview is that first impressions count. Dress appropriately for the job. No matter what, though, never wear jeans to a job interview - it doesn’t matter how casual the job is that you are applying for, jeans are inappropriate in any situation.
For women, a nice skirt and dress or a suit is what you should wear. For men, a suit is most appropriate, but you can get away with a pair of khaki pants and a nice polo shirt.
When you are talking to your interviewer, be enthusiastic about the job. Convey your excitement about the possibility of working for this company and always, always smile.
If you are applying for a creative position or a teaching position, you might want to bring along a portfolio of your work so that you can show off your creativity. Having samples of what you can do can make you stand out over other applicants.
Above everything else, be excited and enthusiastic about your possible job. When you are happy about being there, it will show in your demeanor and your responses. We can’t stress enough how much this can make a difference in getting the job and not getting the job.
Your job interview is when you get the chance to shine. Be sure and answer all of the questions accurately and with enthusiasm. Try not to hesitate and be prepared for anything. This writer once had an interview for a sales position where the interviewer asked me to sell him a pen. I was able to think on my feet and gave him a great sales pitch. I got the job!
You can be just as successful as I was when you take the time to be prepared for your interview and then shine during the talk you are having with the person doing the hiring. It is truly your personality that will get you the job along with your experience and your education.
Once you get the interview, it is all up to you, but you can do it. The person interviewing you already knows a lot about you from your perfectly crafted resume that we have taught you how to put together.