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Usually when what you do is what you are passionate about, you will really excel in that area. When a student does not do good in academics in school, it does not mean that person is stupid. It might just be because that person’s passion is elsewhere.
There are students who excel in school because that is where their passion lies. That is why you should follow your passion because it will come easy for you. On the other hand, if you are passionate about challenges then go do something that you find hard, and you will still be following your passion. If you want to be an artist, then follow your passion and paint.
But if you are not making any money at what you're passionate about, you should also get a regular job. This does not mean that you are turning your back to painting; it just means that you need a little help. We all need help sometimes and, for this, there should be no shame.
If your New Year’s resolution is to quit smoking, you have to be passionate about it. You have to feel strongly about quitting otherwise you might not succeed. Although you know it is the right thing to do; but if you cannot find it in yourself to change, there is a big risk that you will always revert back to it.
So passion about the change you want to do is very important. When you want to lose weight, it should not be because a guy dumped you for your weight; although that can be a motivation. But if you do it for somebody else there is a big chance you might also not succeed. What if the next guy likes chubby women; are you going to gain back the weight again?
Do something because you want the change; not because somebody wants it for you. The secret to sticking to a New Year’s resolution all year round is the passion you have for it. The overwhelming desire to be changed and to improve... with emotion this strong you can definitely succeed.