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Resolutions are too large - Are you too avid with your resolutions? A few resolutions like slimming down, learning a fresh skill or preparation for a marathon may take a long time to accomplish. If there are too many large resolutions like these, you might be stretching yourself too thin over the year to do well at any of them. My proposition is to have merely two to three big resolutions and less than 12 little resolutions in your resolution list. Disperse your big resolutions over the year so that big resolutions don't occur within the same time period. This is particularly true if you've a day job and you're utilizing spare time to work at your resolutions.
No personalization of resolutions - Why do you desire that resolution? What does it mean to you to accomplish it? How will you feel once you do accomplish it? If you don't have really clear-cut answers to these answers, probabilities are you don't need it badly enough to sustain your attempts over the year. To accomplish a goal, even in face of obstructions and challenges, you might wish it badly enough for you to pay the price in time and sweat to act on it. This implies you have to be crystal clear about the meaning of your resolutions. Otherwise, it's really simple to just discover an excuse to wiggle yourself out of the goal and forget about it.
Not putting them down- To be lucid about your resolutions, it helps to put them down. If you haven't attempted this previously, do it at once. Attempt to put down your resolutions, identify it in details and say why you need it. I'll bet you won't be able to put down everything in one go. How come? Simple, because wants and thoughts are always faint ideas to begin with.
If you don't put down your resolutions, they'll forever remain as faint ideas. Faint ideas equal faint plans and that equal pitiful results. While you can't crystallize your resolutions in one go, take a little time and have a couple of sessions to do it. As long as you give it adequate thought, it will become clearer with every try.
Can't visualize Your resolutions daily - Even if you put down your goals and crystallize them, you are able to still forget about them; persons are forgetful animals. Put your goals in a place where you'll be able to view them frequently. In so doing, you'll produce a physical environment where you're less likely to blank out your resolutions ascribable to additional urgencies that pop up during the year.