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So what is selling resell rights really all about? The following report includes some fascinating information about promoting resell rights products. This is information you can use, it's not just the old stuff they used to tell you about.
When you think about resell rights marketing, what do you think of first? Which aspects of promoting resell rights products are important, which are essential and which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge.
1. The "Growing Demand" Strategy
The "(topic) sales increased (no.)% last year" strategy tells your prospects that your resell product is in huge demand and growing steadily. Most people don't want to resell products that no one wants.
2. The "Tedious Labor" Strategy
The "benefit from other people's hard work" strategy tells your prospects that they are escaping all the tedious labor involved in creating their own product. Most people like to have someone else do all of the work.
3. The "Grab Your Share" Strategy
The "instantly tap into a ($) market" strategy tells your prospects that the topic of your resell product is in a valuable market. Most people want to grab their share of the pie too.
4. The "Copywriter" Strategy
The "comes with professionally written sales letters included" strategy tells your prospects that they won’t have to spend money hiring a professional copywriter. They also won't have to spend the time attempting to write their own sales letter.
5. The "Those Look Good" Strategy
The "comes with stunning product graphics" strategy tells your prospects that they won't have to hire an expensive graphics designer. Most people know that quality product graphics can instantly increase sales.
6. The "Ghost" Strategy
The "it's almost like having a ghostwriter" strategy tells your prospects that they won't need to hire an expensive ghostwriter in order to create their own products. Most people like to save money for marketing and advertising expenses.
7. The "Ready To Roll" Strategy
The "ready to sell products" strategy tells your prospects that they can almost instantly start making money reselling your product. Most people know they just have to upload the files to their site and plug in their ordering links.
8. The "Times It By 12" Strategy
The "(no.) new resell products every month" strategy tells your prospects that if they join your resell rights membership web site, they’ll end up with 12 times that amount of resell products every year.
9. The "Loaded Up" Strategy
The "it's packed with (no.) pages of" strategy tells your prospects that your resell product is loaded with information. Most people think bigger products have more value and will usually pay more for them.
10. The "Brand It" Strategy
The "rebrandable rights are included" strategy tells your prospects that they can include their own product or affiliates links in your resell products. They'll be able to make more money with backend sales.
11. The "Package It Up" Strategy
The "package them with other products" strategy tells your prospects that your resell product can be sold in packaged deals. Most people know that large package deals sell better than single products if the price is right.
12. The "Free To Profit" Strategy
The "free (or master) resell rights" strategy tells your prospects that they can resell products for no cost and keep all the profits. You could use free resell rights as a lead-in for people to buy your better resell rights products.
13. The "Instant Business" Strategy
The "grab (no.) instant businesses" strategy tells your prospects that they can start and own multiple businesses when they purchase a group of your resell rights products. Most people like to have multiple income streams in case one fails.
14. The "Junk Yard" Strategy
The "these products aren't the normal junk" strategy tells your prospects that your products are better than the junk resell rights products on the market. Most people will compare your resell rights to trashy ones they have bought in the past.
15. The "Keep It All" Strategy
The "you can keep 100% of the profits" strategy tells your prospects that they won't have to share the profits with the creator of the product. Most people start out with affiliate programs and eventually want all the profits.
16. The "Only A Few" Strategy
The "limited number of resell licenses" strategy tells your prospects that your resell product isn't available to everyone on the Internet. Most people don't want to invest in products that everyone can resell.
17. The "Don't Charge Them" Strategy
The "use the products as free bonuses" strategy tells your prospects that they can use your resell products to persuade people to buy their products or purchase products through their affiliate links.
18. The "Opt-In Incentive" Strategy
The "use the products as opt-in incentives" strategy tells your prospects that they can give the resell products away to people that opt-in to their e-mail list, e-mail newsletter and/or autoresponder series.
19. The "Content Included" Strategy
The "prewritten promotional articles included" strategy tells your prospects that they don't have to write their own content in order to promote your resell product. People like to post and submit articles to web sites, blogs, forums, e-zines, etc.
20. The "Hard Copy" Strategy
The "get a free hard copy" strategy tells your prospects that they will also get a physical copy of your resell product. It could be printed on paper, a digital file on a CD ROM or an audio version CD.
21. The "Physical License" Strategy
The "printed resale rights license" strategy tells your prospects that you will send them a copy of the license via mail or fax for their records. Many people like to have physical records of important documents in case their computer crashes.
22. The "Army Of Affiliates" Strategy
The "start your own affiliate program" strategy tells your prospects that they can have other people sell the resell product for them. People will imagine making money with your resell product without doing all the work.
23. The "Fire Your Boss" Strategy
The "start your own home business" strategy tells your prospects that they can work from home selling your resell product. Most people rather work when they want to and not be ordered around by a boss.
24. The "Workshop" Strategy
The "step-by-step, live training sessions" strategy tells your prospects that you will actually train them live to sell your resell product. Most people don't like to be left in the dark or read complicated instructions.