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Relationship Marketing Secret #3: Be Yourself Even If Some People Don't Like It
This last rule requires you to be bold. It requires you to expect and accept the fact that some people are going to flat out reject you. If you can't deal with rejection, learn to deal with it.
Trust is a result of people seeing you as a real person willing to share of yourself and not just a automated cloned robot pushing out recycled articles and ads just like everyone else seems to do.
Part of that has to do with the way you write to your readers. You have to write in a way that it looks personal. Like an actual person sat down and took the time to communicate with them. Every single one of your readers knows you have many hundreds or thousands of subscribers but that doesn't mean that you can't write like only one person is reading. In fact, that's what you have to do.
One of the easiest ways I've found to learn how to do this is to look at your database of subscribers and pick one to write your letter to. Just one. Then compose your emails in your email client that's addressed to just that one subscriber.
It's a little intimidating, but you can also just imagine that you're writing to one of your bigger competitors which forces you to put some real effort into the information you present. It kind of forces you to raise your game a bit.
No matter how many people you write to, only one person is reading your email at a time so it's important that it "sounds" like you're writing to that one person.
Personal stories help as well because they help solidify that fact that you are a real person. There's too much use of the word "we" online. If you're the only person running your business then who is "we"? Carefully remove the stick and relax.
If it's just you, say I or me when you write.
There's nothing wrong with that because again, anything that allows people to picture you having a one on one conversation with them goes a long way towards helping you build a relationship with them.
Now here's the thing...
I have to clear this up because I know it's something that may confuse you.
When I say write personal stories I don't mean you have to talk about personal things. It's not necessary to do that. What I mean is talk about something that isn't about your online business or if it is about your business, do it with your own words and personality.
I'll give you an example...
I'm subscribed to a newsletter that has nothing to do with Internet Marketing or marketing at all for that matter and one of the guys who writes it routinely starts out by telling me something completely unrelated to the subject of his newsletter.
One issue he started off by saying.
Not too long ago, in a fit of exasperation over the lack of American entertainment available here in Spain, I picked up the Miami Vice box set.
So next thing you know, I'm rolling through the clubs in Barcelona with my boy (Name Omitted), and we're introducing ourselves as "Sonny" and "Tubbs." Nobody has any idea what the hell we're talking about, but as you're probably aware by now, I like to amuse myself.
I've even started rolling up the sleeves on my blazer.
Just kidding.
Has nothing to do with his newsletter but it's funny and it makes me feel like I know the guy a little because he does something like that in every issue. You could tell people you like the color green and they feel like they know you better. What you tell them doesn't matter so much as the fact that you should tell them something.
The more personal you can get your newsletter to look, the more your readers will start to respond to you. You see, you've been told to build your list and send out a newsletter and of course you should, but why should you? Do you know why? Has anyone ever told you why?
The #1 goal is to build a relationship with like-minded people who seek guidance on the way to their goals. Your job is to help them get to wherever they want to go. All people care about is where they want to go and if you can help them get there.
Your job is not to send out a bunch of recycled articles and ads. People don't want that and the thing is, many of them won't unsubscribe when you send them junk. They will just stop listening to you.
So, even though you may appear to have thousands of subscribers, you actually don't because many of them have quit reading. You have to ask yourself, why should anyone care about you or what you have to say or even relate to you and your business?
Do you give them a reason to? If you don't, start. People don't care about or relate robots. They care about and relate to other real people.