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An uncommon or unlikely series of events leads us to the correct individuals at the correct times, and we get the spooky feeling we were in some way destined to meet. Before I experienced the mentality of unity, I could never walk into some random store and expect to be hugging somebody I'd never met previously. Be prepared for captivating social experiences as your alignment with unity increases.
I believe the reason this mentality is so effective is that when you assume a pre-existing connection, individuals tend to pick up on your receptiveness and react in a similar way. Seemingly, the best way to break the ice with somebody is to presume there never was any ice originally. This is particularly true of those who are really conscious and self-aware.
Such individuals by nature react to friendly overtures from like-minded people, and injurious rejections are rare. If you approach somebody from a mentality of unity and are declined harshly, it's a safe bet the other individual isn't aligned with this idea and would consequently be incompatible with you anyhow. The nice thing about unity is that it by nature attracts other people who feel the same and separates out those who don't. The more you line up with unity, the more unity oriented relationships you'll draw in, thereby further reinforcing your experience.
Social disciplining teaches you to center on the hazard of rejection when approaching somebody you've never met. Unity teaches you to center on the chances for connection. A rejection is a sign of incompatibility, so it can't truly be considered a sorry outcome. Then again, once a favorable connection is attained, there's the possibility that both individuals will be absolutely transformed for the better. This may hardly be considered a danger; rather, it's the sort of wager that's worth making repeatedly.
In addition to initiating fresh connections, be open to receiving advances from other people. When somebody makes an advance, react empathetically and kind. Be inviting and friendly. If you recognize the connection isn't correct for you, let the other individual down easily. When you determine it necessary to turn individuals down, be heedful not to dis-empower them. Be truthful but gentle. Then again, if you sense a well-matched connection off the bat, lower your shields, let your feelings lead you, and let the relationship grow as it may.