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Why do some network marketers succeed immensely with their ventures and some just sit around gathering dust? What is the primary difference between a successful marketer and a failed one? It is very important to know this before you can get your own success here.
The people who really succeed in multilevel marketing are those who can see beyond the rejections they meet on the way. Do not think that the platinum level members of today haven't met with rejections in their day. They have met with them, and in equal numbers or probably even more than what you have done. But they did not let those rejections eat them – they just moved on. They looked at the bigger picture, which was the success that they should get at the end of the day.
One of the most important things here is not to take rejection too personally. When a prospect does not agree to become a part of your network, they are rejecting your business plan and not you. Successful multilevel marketers have realized this long ago and they have shaped their approach accordingly. This approach is more mechanical than personal. Since their prospects are not personal about them, the marketers do not promote their concepts in a personal way too. They prepare a mental draft about the whole prospecting game and go about it as though they were doing it like an automaton. The benefit of this is that they can prospect any number of people each day without feeling too personal about anything. That helps them simply move over to the next person when the meet with rejection and then go over to the next and so on.
But people who take things too personally will carry the excess mental baggage with them when they go prospecting the next person and will probably fall short there too. Yes, this is one important rule of MLM – you have to be personally dispassionate about the person you are prospecting if you are to succeed.
Now, back to the bigger picture! The bigger picture is that you have to get a set number of people to join into your network in a week. This is independent of the number of rejections you get, though you may think otherwise. The idea is to prospect as many people as you can. Even if only some join in, it will be much better than no one joining in. Do not let rejections corrode your enthusiasm from within. Know from the start that you will have to face rejections in MLM and you will see that you will go much ahead.