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Chapter 9 – Heartburns - should be taken seriously or not?
Majority of people do not take the problem of heartburn seriously till it turns into a chronic condition. The result being pretty obvious is worse than expected. There are scores of reasons why heartburns should be taken seriously. In the initial stages, heartburn can be easily remedied. All you need to do is to take an antacid to get back to normal. But when the problem aggravates you have to go for those super-sized bottles of antacid tablets. Though these multiple flavored sugary pills provide fast relief but sadly just on a temporary basis.
And then you start realizing that you require something else probably more effective and thus go for some other over-the-counter product offering 12-24 hours relief. For months or possibly years you rely on these over-thecounter remedies to keep the bouts of heartburn under control. However, when something goes wrong in your body which needs medical attention and you realize that now your heartburn problem has become an intimidating malady with intensifying pain resulting in sleepless nights, do you really think it is the right time to visit a doctor? If not, heartburn should be taken seriously from the very beginning when you experience your first ever heartburn attack in life.
The doctor hands you a big list of what foods and beverages to avoid, tells you to drop weight and along with that gives you a medical prescription to go for. However, it becomes difficult to follow such a restricted routine when you know that you have never ever bothered about what you eat and how much you eat. If you do not want something like this to happen to you as well, it is advisable to see a specialist doctor when you experience the symptoms of heartburn for the very first time.
This disease if not taken seriously can lead to some perilous diseases such as cancer, ulcer, hiatal hernia, Barrett’s esophagus and many more. So, remember no medications or pills would work once you reach an incurable stage of heartburn. Thus, make some positive lifestyle alterations so as to keep your digestive procedure in a good working condition such as quit smoking, follow an exercise routine, avoid lying down immediately after meals, avoid consuming alcoholic beverages, tobacco, oily foods, spicy foods, acidic foods, fatty foods, junk food, citric fruits, chocolate, caffeine, peppermint etc. All these things would keep you healthy both physically as well as mentally.