"28 Year Old Ex-Toy Store Worker Reveals A Secret He Discovered On His Lunch Break That Made Him Quit Selling Ebooks Forever! Raking in huge profits from "Real World" Products on autopilot!"
Dear Friend,
If you're absolutely fed up with fighting other affiliates for scrap profits from marketing info-products in ridiculously competitive niches and have become frustrated with traditional affiliate marketing, than this will be the most important thing you read today.
Listen I understand your frustration, it wasn't that long ago that I was working full-time at my local toy store while trying to be an Internet marketer in the evening.
I was in for marketing junkie, purchasing and just about every course that I could afford and sometimes blowing my whole paycheck on the latest and greatest affiliate marketing material.
I would set site after site up, attempt to optimize it for the search engines, and sit there for days for traffic. Sometimes the traffic came sometimes it didn't, either way it resulted in no sales whatsoever.
It wasn't until the Christmas holiday season rolled around that I had a breakthrough experience that would change the way that I would do affiliate marketing for the rest of my life.
In my Toys' R' Us store, it was two days before Christmas and busier than ever. I was working the floor helping customers find what they were looking for as they made mad dashes through the aisles trying to find the right toy that their kids were requesting at the last minute before Christmas.
I had gotten there at 7 AM,when the store opened, and wasn't scheduled to go home until 10 at night ( talk about a long day).
All throughout the day customers will come up to me asking me "which videogame is better?", "which remote-control car is better?", "which Barbie doll set should I get?", and my favorite question, "what's the best toy I can get my sons for less than 50 bucks?"
By the I got home it was almost midnight and I was absolutely exhausted.
I was determined to finish up my affiliate site that started two nights before. My logic was the sooner I got enough profitable sites up and running, the quicker I could quit my stupid day job at the toy store.
So I sat there staring at the screen trying to write a review for the latest click bank product that I was trying to promote.
Nothing was coming out... I couldn't think of one thing to write about this product because I never actually bought it or even read it, yet here I was, sitting there trying to write a review for some e-book that I knew nothing about.
I was just about to quit when I had an "ah hah" moment. I asked myself "Why am I sitting here trying to review digital products that I haven't even seen before instead of reviewing products that I knew everything about?"
"What do I know alot about.... Then it hit me like a ton of bricks... TOYS!
As store manager, I knew everything there was to know about every toy in every aisle of
Toys "R" Us. So instead of writing about the latest and greatest e-book I decided to write about one of the best sellers in my store at the time "Kota of my triceratops". This was a $300 -
3 foot fully automated dinosaur that kids to get on his back while he wags his tail, made noises and moved his body... and this thing was selling like crazy!
I signed up for Amazon's affiliate program because I'd heard some of the marketers had success marketing physical products on there. I wrote my one page affiliate review based on everything that I knew about the toy, and everything that I heard parents say they didn't like and very much liked about the toy.
I posted the articles, connected my affiliate links, and submitted an article to the major article directories. I went to sleep that night at about 2 AM.
10AM the following morning I found my article and my site ranked on the first page of Google after only doing some moderate SEO! (I didn't know this at the time, but real-world physical products are a heck of a lot easier to rank for terms that get thousands of searches a month than Clickbank products!)