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Facebook allows you to directly target "small business owners" in the "Behaviors" field. I really recommend that you do this. The best 4 areas to target are: doctors, take-out restaurants, optometrists, and computer repair.
Why? Because these targets tend to have a massive customer list compiled, making it easy for them to see great results with your service.
6) Send your visitors to your landing page that professionally and thoroughly explains what you are going to be doing for them (see script above).
If you choose to simply host a video on YouTube instead of using a landing page, that is fine. However, keep a strong call-to-action at the end. I always recommend a strong video landing page. Provide your contact information in your clear call-to-action. Showing your face is not required, but is always a strong plus and leads to guaranteed more sales.
**PROTIP: I recommend that you use pictures of smiling women in your Facebook ads as much as possible. This is a secret trick that I learned about a year ago and it converts at a much higher rate. Also, remember that your headline is important. This headline is a good start: "Business slow lately? We can fix that."
Method #2 (Free):
Your next option is completely free. However, it does require you to either call or email local businesses in your area personally.
You can call around to local businesses and offer to do this service for free (approximately $30-50 out of your pocket). Explain that you are a local marketer and your are building a case study for a new social media marketing method.
Clearly explain the benefits of this method to them and that there are ZERO strings attached. You simply want to make sure this works before taking it into the big picture.
"Phil, if I do this for free... how do I make money?"
Stop right there. Let me explain something to you. The offline world is overflowing with referrals and connections. It's happening every single second of every single day, even as you're reading this.
So, what we're going to do is to start you out by providing this service to local businesses for free, in exchange for them referring you to their friends and related businesses, which will make you a TON of money.
I have found that approximately every 1 out of 3 businesses will request more information or be interested. Many will be skeptical as they don't understand that you are offering a legitimate service.
You will need to get a hold of the business owner's name before calling. You can do this by searching for the business in "Manta." Many businesses will have the owner listed as well as the email address. Ask to speak with them directly. As nerve-racking as it can be, try to become as relaxed as possible. Remember that you're just talking to another person. I always try to get myself into the "talking to a friend" mindset before I call. It takes practice. Don't expect immediate perfection.
To recap on this...
Step 1: Search "Manta" to find the business owner's name.
Step 2: Call the business. I recommend that you make a basic script, as that will allow you to sound more professional and clear with your message. With cold calling, you have approximately 10 seconds to secure their attention.
Step 3: Ask to speak directly to the owner or ask when a
convenient time would be to speak with them. If they ask why you are calling, say that you have a couple questions for them.
Step 4: Explain the service that you are offering clearly and concisely. Tell them that you will do this for them for free if they will refer you to their friends (after they've had results). Expect some of them to say "no" immediately. Don't let that get a rise out of you.
Method #3 (Budget Required):
Buying business email lists is great for this method because you can DIRECTLY target the 4 niches that I suggest above. However, you need to make sure that you only purchase lists that were obtained through legal and anti-SPAM-compliant methods.