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First Things First
I'm going to keep this report as no-fluff as possible. Not going to waste your time with "my story" or anything else like that. Let's get right to it
Simply put, there is no easier way to get into offline marketing than what I'm about to teach you. Honestly, it's pretty ridiculous. You don't have to make anything, you need ZERO technical skills, and don't NEED to call people or talk at all.
"If this is so easy, won't it become saturated?"
As soon as the world runs out of business owners, this method will become saturated (in other words, never).
To keep it simple, if you can answer an email, you can make money with this method. For those of you who have bought multiple products from me, you know that I only release actionable material that provides results when put into action. I've done it, my clients do it, it works. Period.
So, what are you going to need to make this work? I will recommend that you have a Facebook account and landing page (optional but recommended).
Facebook and a landing page IS optional IF you feel comfortable calling around to local businesses or mass emailing. You will be using this Facebook ads+ landing page combo to filter leads (business owners who are interested in your service).
You do not need to have a budget to make this work at all (as you can call around or email businesses in your area for free), but I recommend that you spend about $20 to get up and running. Any small $5-50 budget will drastically speed the process.
What are we going to be doing? We are going to be providing a VERY easy and simple, yet powerful Facebook ads service to small business owners. If the business has a customer list that collects cell phone numbers or email addresses, you can sell this service to them.
This is one of the most powerful functions of Facebook advertising and works in any offline business niche that has a sales department.
However, for easy sales, I will recommend a few specific businesses that you will want to target.
The first thing you are going to want do after setting up a Facebook account and landing page (if you don't have them) is become familiar with Facebook Custom Audiences.
What does Custom Audiences allow you to do??
It allows you to hyper-target your Facebook ads strictly to certain cell phone numbers or email addresses. This is arguably the most powerful, targeted, and affordable way of getting more sales to business owners.
Facebook will scan its database to see if any of the email addresses or cell phone numbers in your customer list match with Facebook accounts. If so, it displays your ads DIRECTLY to those individuals via their Facebook Timeline. Many businesses will not have customers' email addresses, but WILL have cell phone numbers.
**PROTIP: You can even use this with an internet marketing email list to sell more stuff to your subscribers (affiliate offers, your own products, etc.). Make sure that you include your name in the title so that you continue to build your brand.
Cool story, right?
"But Phil, I don't have any phone numbers or email addresses to market to"
Right. We aren't using yours. That's the service we are providing to small businesses. We will be DRASTICALLY boosting their business by using THEIR customer list with Facebook Custom Audiences.
**NOTE: Custom Audiences requires you to use a list of at least 100 people in order to start a campaign.
We will be guiding this Custom Audience traffic to the Facebook Ads "Claim Offer" feature, which will drive a massive amount of sales to these business owners. The "Claim Offer" function allows Facebook users to claim a specific and exclusive discount. This works because it drives their previous customers and buyers straight to their NEW offers.