Make Money Online Doing Product Review for Push Response PRO!
As a marketer, you know that the money is in the list, right? But with the money and effort spent to build your email list, are you satisfied with an email open rate of 5-8%? Most accept this figure as normal but as a business owner, this is terrible.
The simple reason is that if your subscribers does not even open your email, you do not even have the chance of earning any money from that subscribers.
Remember the days of slow mail where physical letters get sent through the post? Imagine that when it arrives, you just take the letter out from the post box and DIRECTLY throw it into the dustbin.
Even though emails are almost free to send, this does not negate the fact that with a higher open rate, the chances of making a sale would increase astronomically.
This Push Notification technology allows you to get way more traffic and sales by sending messages directly to people’s computer desktops and to android mobile devices.....no emails involved.