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Now moving on to how to create a high impact presentation in 30 minutes or less. Many anxious and first-time speakers spend a great deal of time with preparing before their live presentations. To me, it’s more important to spend as little time possible at this stage so you can spend more time rehearsing and improving. Thus, here is a quick formula to developing your own high impact, mind-blowing presentation in half an hour or less!
Before we cover the four main elements of high impact presentation, be sure to use a Powerpoint program to create your presentation slides, very much like what you are seeing in this video, or reading in this transcript now. Microsoft Powerpoint is normally available in most PCs. Alternatively, you can use any other computer programs that create presentation slides that will aid your flow of speech, as well as deliver effective.
key points to your audience, allowing them to both see and hear your speech. It is also worthy to note that expert speakers like T Harv Eker use nothing more than a white board and marker pen, though this is best reserved for speakers with more experience. For now, start off with leveraging on Powerpoint presentations to boost your speech excitement and flow of message.
As mentioned earlier in this session, you must craft a core message to send to your audience. Your core message, which can be summed up in one short sentence, can very well be the title of your presentation. In the Internet Marketing field, the online marketing experts who specialize in different areas title their presentations like: “Online Teleseminar Secrets” by Alex Mandossian, “List Building Power” by Jaz Lai, “6-Figure Info Product Empire” by Edmund Loh, and many more.
Your presentation slides do not have to be overloaded with words – just a few words and a few key points will do. It is up to your duty as the speaker to elaborate on each key points. The function of the slides is to not only give you a smoother flow of speech, but also aid in your audience memory. Bold and color some words to keep your presentation exciting and deliver impact.
Last but not least, stick to the K.I.S.S. principle – Keep It Simple Silly! There’s no need for a bombastic presentation, loaded with technical jargons or words that make you sound smart. In fact, the simpler your presentation the more effective you can communicate your message across the room. And this is what defines professionalism. There is little or no use in your presentation if at the end of the day, your audience barely understand or get excited let alone respond to your final call to action.