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Just knowing where to find public domain works does not necessarily make it an easy task. Consider the fact that there are literally millions – if not trillions – of works that are in the public domain. Unless you know what you are looking for, and where to look for it, it could be like searching for a needle in a haystack…and sometimes it is like that even if you do know what you are looking for and where to look!
You may think that you can go to one of the various public domain resources and just browse to find a public domain work that you can use to make a profit. The chances of this happening in this way are about as good as you winning the next lottery drawing without buying a ticket. The amount of sources and materials at those sources is incredibly overwhelming.
First, you need a concrete idea. You need to know what it is that you want to accomplish and what type of work will accomplish it. Then, you must determine the best source for finding such a work. Then, you must search at that source. If you know the exact work that you are looking for, you will of course find what you are looking for faster.
You may also need to consider how much or what type of editing you plan to do to a work before you begin your search. The format that the work is in may become an issue, unless it can easily be converted to a format that is suitable for editing purposes.
You may have to download and look at many public domain works before you find what you are looking for. The good news is that your search for a suitable work that is in the public domain will most likely be the hardest part of creating your own product – once you have it, the majority of the work has been done!