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Just like verbal communication, physical connection, i.e. "sex" isn't exactly a topic that this report is about. So, I'm not going to give you "how-to" tips on becoming a better lover and driving your woman wild in bed. (If you'd like to learn more about this subject, if you'd like to give your lover mind-blowing orgasms in bed every single time, get my other reports and manuals that are focused on that specific area.)
Okay…while physical connection isn't exactly what this report is about, that connection is still the next logical step in your interaction with the woman you are seducing.
You will, at some point during your seduction process, have sex with her. That is, after all, one of your main goals, right?
So... I would like to give you one of my best "amazing sex" tips below. (Consider it another cool bonus for getting this "psychic seduction" manual.
It actually fits in very well here because this tip isn't about some "physical technique" that you'll try on her. No, this one is very different... it is something that you will do with her instead of to her. It is a shared experience, which is what will make it feel amazing.
You have already become familiar with the power of energy and thought forms from the earlier techniques and exercises in this report. Now, we'll take that learning a step further, and blow her mind in bed.