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I imagine many of you follow the Olympics on TV every couple of years. Every time the Olympics come around I am absolutely amazed at the pure athleticism that is displayed at the different events. One competitor after another lines up, and demonstrates a level of skill that is far beyond what any of us would be capable of doing. We are able to witness the muscles that have been developed for a specific sport, the focus of people who know exactly what they are there for, and the poise of a determined athlete. What we are watching is the end result of many years of training that comes from a person who is so disciplined that they have laid everything on the line to become the best they can possibly be in their particular event.
While I would venture to guess that none of us have the physical discipline of an Olympic athlete, we are called to a discipline that in the grand scheme of things, is much more important.
…Spend your time and energy in training yourself for spiritual fitness. Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is much more important, for it promises a reward in both this life and the next. – 1 Timothy 4:7b-8
As we begin this chapter of Proverbs for life, I want us to focus on what Proverbs tells us about personal discipline. And while the principles we look at can apply to any area of our lives, I especially want to focus on the spiritual disciplines – things like prayer, Bible reading, fasting, and this type of thing.
What I am talking about is becoming a fine-tuned, highly disciplined person, when it comes to developing yourself into the person God wants you to become. Just like an athlete needs to work out his/her body in a certain way to be able to compete physically, we need to work our spirits in such a way that makes us more attuned to God and His direction for our lives.