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It is not only enough to seek help from other people by using meditative and alternative therapies on your way to spiritual empowerment. It would help much if you were able to become the personal coach to your own self so that you can criticize easily if you make any mistakes.
Having an enriched and empowered spiritual life would mean that a person is able to accept one’s self, no matter the limitations he has. When you fail to accept that and tend to blame yourself for things because you are a weak person who has too little capabilities, then you should start to tutor yourself into forgetting that part. Keep in mind that you are in the road to spiritual empowerment, if you do not help yourself improve and accept things as they are, nobody else can help you in that aspect.
It is also important that you always remember the mistakes you have done in the past and take action from it instead of regressing and going back the other way. Do not forget that mistakes are what shapes a person and sometimes, they can be inevitable. One can always learn something from a mistake and when he does, he commits never to make the same action again.
However, you must also remember that a person learns and improves. You cannot always say that it is unavoidable to make a mistake because it can be – when it happens repeatedly. Making the same mistakes over again is a sign that you are not doing anything to help yourself improve and move a notch higher in terms of spiritual empowerment.
Become your own coach – you are the only person who can always accompany yourself and check for any mistakes that you might commit. You are also the only person who can bring yourself not ever to commit the same mistake again.