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Linkedin is one of the best social networking groups to become involved in if you are a business entrepreneur or of you have your own small business. Linked in is like having your little black book of business associates...and their little black book of business associates.all rolled into one neat little package.
Linked in allows you to tell the world about yourself and your business in a professional manner. Think of it as a type of resume anyone can follow.
You give details about yourself in reference to jobs you’ve had, your current endeavors and a short bio and business portfolio for others to see. Then you ‘link’ your peers and partners to your bio.
You can then see your associates ‘linked’ business associates and create a larger business based social network based on these things.
You might be wondering what this does for you? After all, why would you need to have your business resume online for the word to see?
Let’s look at this from a different standpoint. If you are trying to get your name out there as a budding entrepreneur you will want to have as many people on your side as possible because the business world is all about the networking.
The larger your portfolio of people, the more networking options you have available to you. Let’s say, for example, you want to expand your business into the international market, but you don’t know anyone who is in the same field as you overseas. For the sake of the scenario, we’re going to suggest you want to expand your product to the Japanese market specifically.
In order to make that expansion, you need to know someone who is in the Japanese market. What you might not know is that your co-workers boss’s daughter’s secretary has an uncle who is a Japanese businessman in the same field as you. However, you are Linkedin to your co-worker, who is Linkedin to his boss, who is Linked in to his daughter, who is Linked in to her secretary, who has her favorite uncle Linkedin. You see that person and decide to make contact, expanding your business and marketing yourself outside the box.
Linkedin in is a fantastic way for people to come together. It builds buildings out of basic social building blocks that you already have all around you.
Whenever most of us think of Facebook we tend to think of a social network for teenagers to get together, have pictures of them and their friends up, and tell the world what soda they’re drinking at the moment.
We tend to think of Facebook as a way if hanging out with your friends, without actually hanging out with your friends. I know I use Facebook for friends and family far away to say hi, get out my thoughts, and share a few memes with.
As a business entrepreneur, it’s important to know that Facebook is also a very easy and genius way to market yourself into the world. Using this method of social media in a similar way to how you would use a blog is the key to getting yourself out there.
I have seen Facebook pages for almost everything. The key to creating a good Facebook page for marketing is not only to make sure your page is up to date and accurate, but to keep posting on your Facebook page.
What’s the point of all this when you already have a blog on your website? Facebook is different than a blog because people check their Facebook pages almost constantly throughout the day.
Have you ever watched a teenager play with their phone? These kids are constantly social networking. Not only do they look for cool memes to show off to their friends, but they’re telling their friends what they are doing, what they like, what they don’t like and who they are with.
“Facebook is a continuous way to keep in contact with your friends and partners.”
What exactly does this mean for you as a business person? This means you have to get in with the cool kids. The quickest way to market yourself is to make sure you have a Facebook page.
There are two things you need for your page. The first is an actual Facebook page for your product and the second is a profile page for yourself.
Your Facebook profile is the place people are going to start when they’re looking for you. In other words, everyone uses Facebook. I am definitely one of those Facebook people myself and not only to market my own work, but to (here’s the most important part of it) like things.
Liking things on Facebook is the most important part of this social network. It might seem like such a trivial thing, but when you like something EVERYONE else sees it and they get interested.
Here’s a scenario for you. Let’s say you are an avid Bocce Ball player. It’s your favorite sport, it keeps you happy, and you can’t get enough of it. Now, let’s also say there’s a Bocce Ball page on Facebook (which there probably is) and you click “Like” on it. What happens next?
Your dear friend Mike sees that you liked the Bocce Ball page and says to himself, “Wow, I didn’t know Jim liked Bocce Ball, I’ve never heard of that, what is it?”
Mike then clicks on Bocce Ball, reads over the rules, decides to give it a try, enjoys it immensely (as you knew he would) and the clicks “Like” on the Bocce Ball Facebook page. Now, Mike’s friend Stephanie sees he liked Bocce Ball and decides to see for herself what it’s all about.
Do you see the string of events happening here? Bocce Ball has just become liked by your friends and their friends and so many people are now playing Bocce Ball you all get together and have a fun Bocce Ball tournament.
Okay, maybe not a tournament, but the word spreads quickly on Facebook which is why you have to have a page for your product.
Once you have established a Facebook page for your product, you need to establish a page for yourself as a person, a page where you can say who you are and what you like, a page where you can show people “I own this company” and show off your product page.