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Chapter 8 Buy Recycled Items
If you are not in favor of the idea of recycling items, you can still help in the cause by purchasing the recycled items instead. Discover in this chapter how patronizing items made from recyclables can make a big change in both your life and the life of the entire planet.
Among the most immediate challenges in recycling today is getting the consumers educated regarding the benefits that they can enjoy once they purchased the products created using recycled materials. The marketplace drives manufacturing and purchasing products that contain recycled materials establishes a long term market for the recyclable materials, increasing the revenues of recycling programs. Once the demand continues for the recycled products, the manufacturers will then produce more recycled products.
Patronize Recycled Items for Everyone’s Benefit
The great benefits that you can enjoy when your purchase recycled products are as follows:
Save energy - Usually, it takes lesser energy for creating recycled products. For instance, the production of aluminum coming from recycling takes 95 percent less energy compared to producing brand new aluminum coming from the bauxite ore.
Save the natural resources - When you choose to buy recycled products and not those that contain virgin materials, you are actually considering the land, reducing the need for you to dig for more minerals, harvest trees and drill for more oil.
Save clean water and air - Instead of using virgin materials, the use of recycled materials will lessen the chances of getting pollutants eliminated during the acquisition, processing and manufacturing of the product.
Save landfill space - Once the materials that have been recycled went to new products, these will no longer need to be dumped to landfills, thus saving space.
Create jobs and save money - The process of recycling can create more jobs compared to incinerators or landfills and usually, recycling is the least expensive method for waste management being used by different towns and cities.
Chapter 9 What To Avoid
Similar with most aspects in a person’s life, there are still some things that you need to stay away from to make sure that your recycling goal will be achieved in the best way possible.
The Big No No’s In Recycling
Recycling might seem to be a rather straightforward system but similar with other processes, there are still some shades of gray in every black and white as far as the designations of paper, plastic and glass are concerned. There is one important rule that you must always remember and that is the fact that not all plastic, glass, and paper can actually be recycled in an equal manner.
Here is a quick rundown of the non-recyclable items that you need to avoid:
Brightly dyed paper since the colored ink can actually leak and change the other items’ color.
Paper towels and napkins are deemed unsuitable in the process of recycling since these can absorb some contaminants.
Cardboard containers coated with wax and juice boxes - Once these do not have the mark of being recyclable, you should not recycle them at all.
Plastic screw-on tops - Even though you can recycle plastic bottles, the tops are not regarded as appropriate for recycling.
Wet paper is also not recyclable due to the damage to fibers and possible contaminants.
Chapter 10 The Benefits Of Recycling
Now that the book has finally come to an end, this is the perfect time for you to finally get to learn the benefits of recycling, not only for yourself but more importantly, for the people around, you the society you belong to and the Earth that you are living in.
Recycling Benefits — The Effort is Worth It
Recycling is definitely the most common symbol that you can see in trash cans, garbage bags as well as dump trucks. Children in various parts of the world are taught of the phrase “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” hoping that a cleaner environment will be created in the near future. Everyone knows that even in the simplest way, all people can actually help create a much better place to live in. However, there is no denying that there are plenty of benefits that you can get out of recycling aside from lessening the amount of trash that you need to get rid of off every day. After all, both effort and time are used up for the collection, separation as well as sending away of trash.
Conserve and Preserve the Natural Resources
Old bottles, scrap cars, used rubber tyres, and junk mail have now become common adornments in landfills. These are probably endless in number but the required resources will finish off rather quickly. Through recycling, everyone gets the chance of letting the junk items be used time and time again in order to avoid exploiting the new resources. This will also help conserve the natural resources including water, coal, oil, gas, minerals and timber. One more benefit of recycling is that this will put more emphasis on the creation of technology. This is the reason why majority of industries are supporting the programs wherein they can gain large amounts of recyclable materials that can be converted to new items.
Save Energy
When recycling aluminum cans, you will be able to save as much as 95% of the entire energy needed for producing the cans from the raw materials.
You can say that the energy that you can save from recycling is enough for you to shed some light on a bulb and make this last for 4 hours. It has been clearly shown that there is a high amount of energy that you can save and use in the future, thus reducing the reliance on foreign land that can futther help in saving money along the way.
Reduce Landfill Size
Among the primary reasons why recycling is being promoted is the fact that this can reduce the environment’s strain. Through the constructive use of waste products, you can little by little lessen the size of landfills.
More Opportunities for Employment
If you think that recycling is only for his or herself, you better think twice because the truth is, it is already a big industry even all by herself. After doing the basic sorting out and depositing trash for recycling, it is important that these are sorted out and shipped primarily off to the correct places.