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And on that note, we’re going to change the subject a little here to look at the second way of creating products. This time, we have a little twist on the improvement method we talked about above. This one is a little less general, and something you're most likely going to come up with when looking at the ideas you gained in method one.
I like to call this one Nichifying. Strange, yes, and there’s no doubt in my mind that there is in fact no such word, however, for the examples I’m about to give you, there's no other way to sum it up like that. So what is Nichifying? Well, it's as it says really. It's taking a product that has a wide audience, and twisting it, changing something about it again, but this time, instead of trying to improve it, you're evolving it in such a way that you're reaching a very specific, much more targeted market that may be untapped.
Lets look at some real world examples. The one that immediately springs to mind is the rise of alco-pops. I'm not sure what you call them in the US, or Canada, or wherever you may be, but over here in the UK that's what they're called. Now the drinks industry was real clever with this and took something that used to be marketed to an older generation of drinkers, and turned it into a colorful, soda-like tasting pleasant drink that is targeted at younger people. It's still alcohol. It's the same product; they just gave it a twist, added a little something, and voila, brand new market. A very clever move indeed.
Now this one is a little harder to grasp, and hurts my brain a little more than the improvement factor, so lets look at a few more examples. How about processors for computers. Just starting to emerge are the above and beyond processors that aren't just for the mass market, but they've been tailored to suit developers, designers, multi taskers and servers specifically. It's the same again, it's still a processor, but it's been tailored to a specific market. In this example, rather than change the target market completely, they've kept it the same but introduced and tailored their products to very specialized tasks.
One last example here, lets look at this in an online marketing sense. Looking around you, I'm sure you'll find there's no shortage of dodgy old e-books and a lot of very general products about, so us as marketers have started to do this, either by taking a specific set of tactics and tying them into an original named system to be carried out in a particular way, such as this site for example, or taking it to the major extreme and just extracting one single subject and creating a product around it. A whole course about copywriting for websites, a whole course about joint ventures or e-zine management and creation.
So there we have it, you can take an existing idea or concept for a product, and if you really can't use method number one to improve on the job it does, can you either go specialized and target it at a specific market, or even totally change the product to appeal to a different, untapped market. These are generally the alternatives to mass- market products, targeting every computer owner, or targeting every online marketer isn't always the answer. Use method one to come up with ideas, use method two to refine your ideas, and come up with alternative angles that may not have been immediately obvious.