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There are many ways to sell the products that you create. Most crafters rely on craft shows so I’ll cover this method of selling, and remember that most of the techniques mentioned below can also be applied towards your business if you own a store.
When selling at craft shows, you have to cover a lot of issues that could cause major headaches if not properly handled before hand.
If you’re managing your booth alone you must consider how best to handle several tasks at once.
You may have a customer wanting to pay for your item, with a group of teenagers standing to the side trying to pick up one of your items freely and a mother on the other side with a child who has melted ice cream all over her wee little fingers.
The mother of course is too busy looking at your items to notice that her child is covering your prized white embroidered hanker chiefs with chocolate.
What do you do? Do you panic, freak out and get ill at those visiting your booth? No, that’s not a wise thing to do because it’ll kill sales.
What you do is prepare ahead of time so that you don’t encounter such nonsense.
First you set your booth in such a way as to protect your smaller items for those times you have to focus on paying customers, so that you can safely turn your back for a few moments and know that nothing will be damaged or stolen.
Put your smaller items in the back of your booth, and always keep your money with you in an apron pocket. Have your larger items on the ends of your booth and outside of your booth, because it’s much harder for people to walk off with your larger items than it is for them to the smaller ones that slip into pockets easily.
For your hanker chiefs, if it’s something that can be stained by little hands, remember that children attend shows and that sometimes their parents aren’t as attentive as they should be when they are browsing your booth.
Pack your hanker chiefs in plastic bags, and leave just one out for viewing and touching.
Make sure that your booth is also decorated attractively. A boring or depressing booth doesn’t help your sales much. Make sure you tables are covered in attractive coverings that are colorful, and that you make your booth look as much like a comfortable home as you possibly can.
The more comfortable you make your booth for your customers, the longer they will linger and the greater your chances are of making a sale.
Make sure that you provide something to give to visitors of your booth, rather they purchase or not. As mentioned in the pricing your products chapter, you will always want to provide your phone number to help increase future sales.
If you sell crocheted items, why not crochet a small circle of lace and glue it to a corner of your business card. Laminate it attractively and glue a magnet on the back.
You will then be distributing your business card in an attractive manner, and the chances of your card being tossed in the trash are next to none. People will take your card home with them to display on their refrigerator.
If you’re like me, and sell homemade bath products, then scenters are quick and easy to make that people keep for a long time because they scent cars very nicely.